#29: Dandelion

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"Happiness is like the dandelion seeds that will scatter once winds blow."


I let out a groan, forcing my eyes open. My head was throbbing and there seemed to be a strange feeling in my lower body.

My eyelids felt heavy and it felt like an effort to open them. I turned to my side the sheets twisting around my bare body as I lift my hand rubbing my eyes before I sleepily open my eyes only to close them again immediately.

At a glance l know, I am in a foreign place that doesn't register in my lethargic mind straight away, the room is dark with a single lamp lit up in the corner.

Eyes still closed I sleepily reach out for my phone but my hand comes up empty and that's when the situation finally sinks in.

Where am I?!

My eyes snap open, alert and I look around still entwined in the sheets.

It's only when my eyes land on the dark curtains covering the glass wall and the morning seeping through, that I recall last night.

The fingers in my hair, the lips against my skin, and the sound of comforting rain filling up the room along with the fire burning me up inside.

In the semi-darkness of the room, warmth begins to travel down my body, and dazed I reach out to touch my lips, face and neck flushed pink.

I confessed!

I abruptly sit up eyes blown wide.

I look around again and realize I am the only one in the bed with no trace of Jimin.

Could it be that I dreamt of the whole thing?

The thought makes my stomach sink and my early morning brain lags as I reach out and slap myself hard.

It stings!

I am not dreaming! It's real!

I recall Jimin's words from last night, as he had kissed my forehead and whispered, "I don't know what I did do deserve you but after Jeo you are the best thing that could happen to me."

And those words had been the lock in the chain that would tie me to Jimin for the rest of my life.

My heart raced at the thought of not having to hold back any more of having Jimin to myself and butterflies are flapping madly around my stomach.

Jimin is mine, I think as I subconsciously lift my hand and stare at the metal band around the third finger of my left hand.

It didn't matter what we named our relationship as all I knew was as long as Jimin was mine I would be happy without any labels.

This band was just a piece of worthless metal but to me it had become a sign of my feelings, holding a spiritual significance to me.

After some time I finally gathered myself enough to take a bath. Stepping out of the shower I finally glanced at the reflection in the mirror I had been avoiding before only to find my chest and neck filled with red blooming marks.

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