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Song - Dead End by Lights & Myth

*Billie's POV*

"Hey let me know when Drew Adams comes to pick these up?" I half ask and the guy at the ticketing office gives me a nod. "Thanks."

I jog back to the green room and prep for tonight's show. I'm still bummed Violet won't be here, but I do understand not being able to get out of work over holidays. I've missed New Years, Valentine's Day, and her birthday since I've been on tour... I had planned on making that up to her over the next couple of days, but now I won't get to.

Everything for tonight is in place so I lay down on the couch for a quick nap, or so I thought. I've been staring at the back sides of my eyelids for the last twenty minutes and I can't seem to shut my brain off long enough to sleep. I let out  a drawn out sigh.

"Can't sleep huh?" Hayden's voice cuts through the silence.

I lazily sit up and run my fingers through my hair. "Not even a little bit, I think I'm just a little more stressed than normal."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asks, dropping her back next to the chair across from me, taking a seat and draping her legs over the arm.

"Sure, I dunno, I was expecting Violet to be here tonight and she couldn't even get a couple days off from the station to come home..." I trail off.

"Well why does that stress you? You're not under any extra pressure to perform in front of her." She asks, her tone curious as to why I'm letting this get to me.

"Part of me feels guilty for not being able to celebrate holidays and milestones in our relationship because I'm not there, and I thought that if she came tonight, I could make it up to her over the next few days. The other part of me feels anxious, like something just doesn't feel right and I can't pinpoint what it is. She's been kind of distant lately and I don't know if it's something I did." I explain, rambling my innermost thoughts.

"Ok lemme stop you right there, you shouldn't feel guilty for your contractual obligations to your career, if Violet had a problem with it she would have told you, so try and let that go. As far as the distance thing goes, just talk to her B, a lot of things get lost in translation over text."

I think about it for a moment and realize that she's right. I should call her.

Show starts in 10!


"We have the next four days off right?" I ask her.

"Yeah, why?"

I type away on my phone and hit confirm. "I'm leaving tonight after the show, I'll fly in to the next city we play in on Thursday morning... a ten minute phone call isn't going to cut it, three and a half days with her might."


"Thank you Charlotte!" I shout into the mic and wave to all my lil babies. I run side stage and give Drew a tight hug. "Ugh it's good to see you. Hey, can I ask a favor?"

"Sure, what's up?" He says with a little smile. He seems different from when I visited over the holidays.

"Would you be able to give me a ride to the airport?" I give him a pleading look.

He looks to the man standing next to him and he excitedly nods. "It's a yes from me, Ri might play cool right now but he adores you." Ri shoves him a little and Drew just smirks.

"I-... that's cute. Seems like he might adore you a little more though." I say with a smirk tugging at my lips. With that, Drew's cheeks flush a deep shade of red. They really are adorable together.

The ride to the airport is actually kind of fun. I'm seeing Drew open up a lot more than he did around his parents, turns out he and Violet are a lot alike. They have the same dark, sarcastic sense of humor, they both scrunch their noses the same way when they don't necessarily agree with something, and they both have that quality about them that makes you feel like they're giving you their undivided attention no matter how many people are in the room. This is probably the first time I've seen her brother laugh, and it's so wholesome.

As we pull up to the terminal, Drew gets out to open my door. "You do realize I can open my own door."

"Mmm yeah, but if my sister found out I wasn't a perfect gentleman to you, she'd find a way to murder me telepathically." He pulls me in for a hug and squeezes me tightly.

"O- I- can't... breathe..."

"Sorry." He winces as he lets me go.

I give Ri a quick hug and whisper in his ear. "Hurt him and I'm coming for you, understood?"

"I got it, honestly, I've been waiting for awhile to ask him out... this was the most spontaneous perfect first date." He confesses. "Thank you for everything."

"You don't have to thank me for doing my job, but you're welcome." I give them a final wave and make my way inside the airport.


"Ma'am?" A flight attendant lightly shakes my shoulder.

I jolt up. "Hmm? What?"

"Ma'am, we've landed. You're the last to deboard." She informs me.

"Hmm thank you." I say, sleep still evident in my voice. I get up and pat my pockets to make sure I have everything I need. I'll just change clothes when I get home. Ugh, I can't wait to snuggle the shit out of my girl and sleep.

I take an Uber from the airport to my house and breathe a sigh of relief to see my car in one piece. My house hasn't been burned down so that's a good sign. I don't remember this street being super busy like this... I grab the spare key from its hiding place and go to unlock the front door. Except, it's already unlocked. Not a super safe way to live, I'll talk to Violet about that. I open the door to see my house trashed.


I am fuming with anger and disappointment. I hear bare footsteps get closer and I see a scared Violet emerge from the hall. I take a step towards her and her back goes against the wall. I take a deep breath to compose myself and she flinches. It's almost like she's afraid I'm going to hit her.

I tip her chin so she's looking at me. "Violet I'm not going to hurt you... I need to get some sleep. When I wake up I expect everyone to be out of my house." I explain and she looks down at her feet and just nods, acknowledging what I've just said.

I make my way towards my room. As I do, I bump into a body coming from the bathroom. "Oh sorry..."

"It's fine Cat... do you mind helping Violet clean up from last nights party you two seemed to enjoy without me?"

"Wait, you know who I am?"

"I know a lot Miss Reyes. I know that you like to party from time to time, that you don't have a knack for settling down, but you're a hell of a good student. You'd make a good CEO with a mind like yours." I explain, closing my door and leaving her flabbergasted.

I grab a stranger by the hair and drag them out of my bed and shove them out of my room. Looks like I'll be burning these sheets. Violet has another thing coming if she thinks I'm letting this slide.

a/n: I feel absolutely gross... like I've showered so I'm clean. But my period got me bloated af and it's a no from me.

What's something that makes you feel better when you're down or having a rough day?

I love you bubbies 💕

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