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Song - I See You by MISSIO

"So correct me if I'm wrong but, you decided it was a smart idea to leave to go back on your early because she got mad at you? And not only that, you didn't have the courage to tell her she kinda hurt your feelings, and you still haven't called or texted her to let her know you're okay?" Hayden starts, pausing only to take a sip of her drink.

"Grow the fuck up B, she's hurting and the only reason you're catching the brunt of her emotions is because you're her safe place. She's probably not even angry at you but with her situation. Although, after the stunt you pulled, I'd be pretty pissed if I were her." She says downing the last of her drink and leaving me at the bar alone.

I swirl my glass and watch the liquor splash across the ice. Maybe Hayden is right. I should be at home, but I'm not. I should be curled up in bed with Violet, but I'm not. I shouldn't have let this get to me, but it did. It did, and now I have to live with the consequences.

I pull out my phone to see a few notifications, only one from Violet.

-I'm sorry for getting so upset... I felt pushed and I was a little hangry-

-it's fine baby, I should have just left things alone-
-I'm sorry that I skipped town... hayden kinda helped me put things into perspective. Made me realize that I should have stayed.-

-it's fine billie... you have a job to do and I have classes to finish.-

-good luck with your classes baby, I love you-

I wait for a reply when I see that she's typing and then she stops. I really fucked up. I leave the bar and pass Danny in the hall on the way to my room.

"Hey." He gives me a confused look. "I thought we were expecting you Thursday, everything good?"

"Honestly no, but I'll deal with it when tour is over." I grumble as I attempt to unlock my door.

"Billie, if you need to reschedule a couple shows, I don't mind doing that for you. Hell, it's be nice to sleep without being jostled awake every ten minutes." He says and I chuckle a bit because he's right. Shit sucks sleeping on a bus.  "Just let me know..."

As much as I need to fix things with Violet, I go against my better judgement. "Keep the schedule, I'll figure things out."

Time to prove myself.


"For the thousandth time, yes Billie. I've got it covered."

I let out drawn out sigh. "I owe you big time Claudia."

"No shit, you're gonna be on babysitting duty for six months." She says with a giggle. "Violet has been good for you... I've never seen you want to fix things with anyone that isn't family."

"That's because she feels like home to me." I confess a small smile gracing my lips as I think about Violet. Claudia and I say our goodbyes and I leave my future and my credit card info in her hands.

I just hope she forgives me.


*Violet's POV*

"Do you know how hard it is to find primary sources for something built in the late 1800's? Cat, you said this was going to be easy." I say nudging her.

"Just do the control F thing and search for key words." She suggests.

"I-... how come I didn't know about this life hack before?!"

"Work smarter not harder V." She says with a chuckle.

We take the rest of the afternoon to finish up our history project. My eyes are feeling strained from staring at a computer screen for most of the day. I close my laptop and rub my eyes before being a lazy asshole for a solid five minutes. My phone buzzes in my pocket.


"Violet." My dads voice startles me.


"I just wanted to check on you. I missed seeing you over your break, wanted to make sure you were ok, and I wanted you to know that I love you." His voice laced with concern. I've never heard him like this.

"No daddy, I'm not okay. I feel broken in every way humanly possible." I confess.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"The last person I opened up to just left so no, not really."

"I'm not going anywhere ladybug... as long as I'm on this earth, you and Andrew always have a place to call home." I can hear the smile in his voice, but there's a hint of sadness.

"Why do you sound sad?"

He lets out a sigh. "I never pictured myself leaving your mother, ever. I promised her forever, but I can't live up to that. I love you and your brother for everything that you are, and everything you have yet to become. Plus I got to meet Drew's partner... he seems sweet. Looking back on it, I'm pretty sure Billie is yours, right?"

"I-... how did you know?"

"I might not say much, but I see a lot. The way you looked at her was the same way that you used to look at that Madden girl from church." He snickers.

"Wait- I- how?"

"I pay more attention than you think I do. Well, you graduate in a couple weeks yeah? How about Andrew and I come spend some time with you."

"Sounds good daddy." A genuine smile spreads across my face. I really have missed my dad, more than I thought I did.

a/n: so how do we think billie is going to redeem herself?

Also update, I'm working on a standalone book for Andrew, because he's wholesome and I love my lil babies. Will update you when the first ch is out.

I love you bubbies 💕

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