Truth Unsustainable

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Song - lie to me by Tate McRae

*Billie's POV*

"What the hell was that Billie? Please fucking explain why I have to babysit and mentor a 26, nearly 27 year old woman instead of being at home with my wife!" Finneas yells.

"I-... you shouldn't." I say unable to look him in the eyes. He's right and I know he's right. I don't really know what came over me. Was it because I hated Hayden? No. Was it because Violet was mad at me? Maybe. Was it because deep down I hated myself? You fucking bet.

"You're right I shouldn't. In fact, I'm going home... my manager Danny wanted to meet you anyways, his office is down the hall. Just... get out." He waves my off before pinching the bridge of his nose and walking away.

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do at the moment... my feet carry me down the hall towards Danny's door. I knock softly and enter upon hearing a stern 'come in' from behind the door.

Danny briefly looks up from his work. "Can I help you?" He asks as he continues to scribble on his notepad.

"Oh my brother, Finneas, said you wanted to meet with me..." I explain, that catches his attention and he puts his work aside.

"Ah yes, right... I've heard your voice on some of his submissions. Do you do any solo work?" He presses, glaring almost.

"I mean, I've put together a few things just for fun. Why?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'd like to hear them, maybe talk about a career if they're good enough."

I scoff a bit. There's no way he's serious, he can't be. "Look I get why you're interested in my brother, but I highly doubt you have a genuine interest in a woman who has a career as a psych professor-" I start my refusal, but he cuts me off.

"That's exactly the reason... you're smart, obviously you wouldn't be here if you weren't genuinely interested just like I wouldn't be giving you the time of day if I weren't genuinely interested in you. Send me the demos you have and I'll be in touch. Your brother knows how to get in touch with me." He says before returning to his paperwork.

I mutter a quick thank you and make my way out of his office. I can't give up my career can I? It wouldn't be fair to my students. I love teaching and influencing those around me to better themselves. What do I do?


*Violet's POV*

"Tell me about her."

"Oh, well when I first met her, her eyes were the first thing I noticed. They were just so captivating, I kind of got lost in them. Loving her has been both the best and worst things I've done in my life. A love like hers is deep like the ocean, sweeps you off your feet like a riptide, and you don't realize you're drowning until it's too late. She's smart, doesn't make a move unless she's calculated every outcome to be in her favor. She's sweet in the notion, she'll do anything to protect those she loves, even if it means hurting herself." Hayden explains, pausing to collect her thoughts.

She smirks and then continues. "I remember one time I had a fight with my dad and she stayed up all night with me just to make sure I was alright, even though she had an exam the following morning. She just held me and sang softly until I calmed down." she starts to tear up and wipes her cheek. "Sorry you must think it's stupid to cry over someone who hurt you..."

"I don't think it's stupid, it takes time to heal from trauma." I explain. "How did she hurt you?"

"When we broke up- to be more specific, I broke up with her because I felt like I was suffocating. Like I was drowning in everything that she was and losing myself in the process. I stopped going out with friends, I stopped calling my parents, I even missed my sisters birthday... she used to get so angry if my attention was on anything else but her. I told her that I was done and she lost her shit. Started yelling and accusing me of cheating, which wasn't true. I could tell that it was going to escalate so in the heat of the moment I lied. I told her that I cheated just so I could get out quicker, regardless of if I was leaving on my own two feet or in a body bag."

Hayden takes a deep sigh and continues once again. "Billie tied me up and shoved me in a closet. From what I could hear she was on the phone with her brother at the time. Thankfully our neighbors heard the shouting and called the police for a domestic disturbance. If it weren't for them, I honestly don't know if I'd be alive today. Despite all of that, I loved her, and I still do. I want the best for her."

"Wow..." is all I can manage to say.

"Why did you ask about my relationship with Billie anyways?" She questions raising a brow.

"I- uh... I was just curious." I stammer out hoping she buys it.


She's not buying it.

a/n: what do you call metal yodeling?

I lub you bubs 💕

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