Icy Hands, Heart On Fire

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Song - Fire for You by Cannons

*Billie's POV*

I barely open my eyes to see sunlight peeking through the curtains. In my half awake state I wrap my arm around Violet and snuggle closer to her. She stirs for just a moment, pressing her ass against me. I feel her fingers play with the spaces in between mine, and so I return the small gesture, meaning we're both awake. She turns over to face me, her eyes full of joy. She gives me a genuine smile that could light up a room.

"What's got you smiling babygirl?" I ask out of curiosity.

She kisses me slowly, ya know, the kind of kiss that makes your heart stop for just a second only just for it to beat a million times faster.

"Today's your birthday goofy, and I may or may not have made some plans for us." She confesses.

"Oh?" I pose with a raised brow.

I wonder what she has in store for me, I hadn't given it much thought to be honest. To me, it's just another day.

"But first, coffee." Violet says as she swings her leg over me, straddling me momentarily before climbing out of bed and sauntering downstairs.

Fucking tease. I let out a huff and follow her down. I take a seat at the kitchen table, prop my head on the palm of my hand and just watch Violet do her thing. She seems more relaxed today, I can't tell if it's because she's less stressed that fall semester is over or if it's because her parents aren't up yet. Either way, I'm enjoying seeing her happier.

I hear the back door open and close, Drew making his way into the kitchen covered in blood.

"Dude are you ok? Did something happen?" I ask genuinely concerned for him.

"Uh yeah, I got a buck this morning and it's in the shed right now." He says giving me a funny look, and then it dawns on him. "You thought this was mine?" He asks holding up his hands and then lets out a hearty laugh.

"I-... hhhh. Don't judge me, I'm a city kid." I joke back.

"Oooo, city slicker!" He jokes back and goes to clean himself up.

As soon as the coffee finishes brewing, Violet pours herself a cup as well as mine, fixing it exactly how I like it. "You've been paying attention." I praise her, giving her a sly smile.

"Of course I do, and I've enjoyed getting to know every bit of you." She says, whispering the latter part into my ear.

"Mmm so whats on the agenda for today?" I ask curious of her plans.

"That, is for me to know and for you to find out when we get there." She says before taking a sip of her coffee and disappearing to get ready for the day.

I take my time enjoying the quiet morning. That is, until Cindy makes her way downstairs. That's my cue to get ready myself. "Morning Mrs. C." I say in passing just to be polite.


"Andrew I'm taking your truck!" Violet shouts as she grabs the keys off the hook and heads out of the door with me in tow. "Ok, in order for me to pull this off, I need you to wear this." She says handing me a blindfold.


"Trust me, I'd rather be the one being blindfolded among other things... just please?" She asks with a cute lil pout.

How can I say no to that? I climb into the truck and put the blindfold on. I hear the truck roar to life and we're off. She drives for a bit and then stops.

"Can I take this off now?"

I feel Violet's hand gently grab my jaw and turn it towards her. She kisses me with hunger, but pulls away.

"Not yet." There she goes teasing me again.

After a driving for a little while longer, the truck slows, stops and the trucks engine dies. I feel Violet grab my hand and give it a light squeeze. I take off my blindfold and blink a bit waiting for my eyes to adjust to the light and then I see where we are.

"You're kidding right now." I blurt out.

"Nope. This lake is frozen over every winter, when I was a kid we used to go every year but we stopped for some reason... until today." She says just looking out over the icy vastness in front of us.

She reaches behind my seat and pulls out a duffel bag. "Ready?" She asks, visibly excited.

"As I'll ever be baby."

We climb out of the truck and lace up our skates. We walk, well I stumble a bit, toward the edge of the lake and Violet steps onto the ice turning around to take my hand and help me.

"Just one foot at a time, I've got you." She says confidently.

I like when she's confident, it's a rare sight to see. I grab her hand and take my first step, and then my second. Violet grabs my hands and skates backwards pulling me along, guiding me a bit.

The feeling I have right now is the same as when I realized I was in love with her. Terrifying because I hadn't loved someone in every capacity like I do with her. Exciting because she felt like home to me. I'm not sure how I'm gonna feel if I have to be away from her when I go on tour, if I ever go on tour.

We spend a couple of hours skating around, well Violet was. I ended up falling and busting my ass a few times before I got the hang of it. But what got me was, she listened to what I wanted even if I was joking, she brought me out here and showed me how to do something new. I hope we have more moments like this, just growing and spending time with each other without and restraints.

We climb back into the truck and hover our hands over the air vents trying to get warm.

"Alright are you ready for the second half of your surprise?" Violet asks.

"I-... there's more? Baby, this has been a fantastic birthday already... but, surprise me. Wait, do I need to wear this again?" I ask holding up the blindfold.

"Nope, we're going to the arcade and having terrible diner food and I'm gonna beat your ass in skee ball." She taunts me.

"Oh no, you just showed me up with your ice skating skills, you're sooooo going down Adams."

"Wanna bet?" She says with a cocky tone.

"If I win, I want birthday sex."

"Deal. If I win... you'll just have to wait and see what I want."

Where did cocky Violet come from? She's making me wanna wrap my hand around her throat and tease her until she's begging for more.


"How did I cheat at skee ball? There's a cage over the ramp you goof." Violet says defending herself from my accusations.

"Ive never been able to make that 1000 point shot." I groan out.

"Eh, that sounds like a you problem."

The audacity this woman has.

I let out an exaggerated sigh. "What did you want for winning?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Birthday sex."

a/n: sooo today is my birthday! 😬 I have no idea what my plans are either. What should I do?

Also I felt super sappy writing this ch so, enjoy the sap while it lasts.

I love you bubbies 💕💕

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