Like Wildfire

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Song - Emanate by Phoria

*Violet's POV*

"Today I will be giving you a mixture of two different bacteria. It will be your job to use the techniques that we've gone over to properly isolate and identify the two. This will determine 40% of your final grade for this semester, you have the next four weeks to work on this project." Dr. Lucas announces to the class.

I go up to the front of the lab to get my assigned test tube and return back to my seat. I wonder how sick I would get if I drank this. I mean technically we're only working with class 2 specimens, so I can't die from it. I shake off the thought and make notes on the tube I was given.

I fire up the burner and sterilize my equipment, being careful not to touch the probe on anything while it cools. I uncap the mixture and swirl the probe around in it and begin streaking my agar plate. I sterilize my equipment before placing the plate in the incubator. That's all I can really do today, so I gather up my things and sling my bag over my shoulder.

"Miss Adams?" Dr. Lucas says, getting my attention.

"Yes sir?"

"Two things... first, I know you're a good student but I've noticed your grades aren't what I'm hoping they would be, is everything okay?" He asks genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, just been a tough semester so far. I'll set more time aside to study." I explain. Do I mean it? Kind of. Will I actually do it? Not likely.

"Okay, well I just got an email from Dean Collins. She's requesting that you report to her office immediately." He informs me.

"I-... why? I haven't done anything wrong." I scoff.

"I don't know, but you should go. Don't want to keep her waiting." He says before returning to grading last weeks lab reports.

I adjust the strap on my shoulder and leave the science center, making my way towards the administration building. I've never been in trouble before. Hell, I don't even know what the academic Dean looks like... I trudge up the stairs to the lobby and stop at the front desk.

"Hi, my name is Violet Adams. I was told the Dean needed to see me..." I say trailing off.

"Oh, her office is just down the left hall. Last door on the right." She directs me with a flushed look. Weird but okay.

I start down the hall. I pass Cat on the way, fear evident in her eyes. What happened that she'd be scared. I can feel my hands starting to sweat, my heart racing out of my chest. Why am I so nervous? I swallow the lump in my throat and knock on the door. I hear a 'come in' from the other side. I turn the knob and step inside her office. Campus security is here too.

"Close the door please Miss Adams." She instructs without looking up.

I do as instructed and I take a seat, setting my bag on the door next to me. I involuntarily shudder before I start bouncing my leg up and down. These nerves are making my tics act up.

Dean Collins finishes filling out some paperwork and then gives me her undivided attention. "Violet Adams, you seem like a fairly good student, 3.6 gpa and a part time job at the radio station. Do you know why you're here today?" She asks with a furrowed brow.

"I-... honestly, no I don't." I furrow my brow completely puzzled.

"A rumor has come to my attention that Professor O'Connell resigned her position not because of another job opportunity, but instead that she was having an intimate affair with a student... that student, namely being you." She says peering over her huge framed glasses.

My jaw drops. Fuck.

"You're accusing me of sleeping with my teacher... excuse me, my former teacher?" I shout pretending to be shocked.

"You and Professor O'Connell are both under investigation at the moment and your grade in Behavior Modification is also under review and it's current status is pending until further notice. If I find anything that points to there being any fraternization with students, you and otherwise, the university will be pressing charges against Professor O'Connell and you will be expelled. Do I make myself perfectly clear?" She states raising her brow at me.

"Crystal." I swallow hard, trying to keep from throwing up.

"Now get back to class, I'll be in touch." She waves her hand at me, motioning for me to leave.

I quickly grab my bag and dash out of her office. Fuck, I am so screwed. I need to find Cat and ask her why she was in the Dean's office.

-where are you, we need to talk-

Cat 🌵
-the room. You have ALOT of explaining to do...-

Just as I'm unlocking the door to my technically shared dorm room with Cat, she bombards me with questions.

"What the hell did you do Vi? Why is there an investigation going on?" She rants, flailing her arm at me.

"I didn't do anything... I just-..."

"Well, spit it out Vi."

"You might wanna sit down for this."

I spill everything, and I mean everything. How I met Billie, the dates, the sex, the fact I'm living with her now which is why I haven't been staying in our room. Cat just sits there taking it all in.

"So that means Landon was right... I mean I didn't want to believe it because I know you, but now-... now I don't even know what to think." She runs her hand through her hair, visibly frustrated.

"Wait Landon is the one that started this?!" I shout. I stomp out of the room headed to anywhere that isn't here.

"I-...Vi, wait!" I hear her voice trailing behind me.

a/n: so how are we feeling bubbies? I had a hell of a day at work, but aside from that it was good. I had Mexican food for dinner so my fat ass is happy.

What's something you guys wanna do within the next year?

I love you bubbies 💕

Side note, I may have a surprise for you next update. Keep in mind I will only be keeping the next update up for 24 hours.

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