Unlawful Detainer

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Song - Smooth Criminal by Alien Ant Farm

We made it to the next venue with time to spare, that time being filled with catching up with Hayden. Telling her about my time teaching while she tells me about her brief contract with a publishing company in Berlin. My phone ringing breaks my attention for a moment.

"Hey Finn, can you get that for me?" I shout through the bus.


"So, how is touring comparing to the Berlin project?" I ask, propping my head against my palm.

"Well this has more travel, obviously. But I have more creative freedom even though I'm collaborating, if that makes sense... In Berlin I was basically an apprentice working underneath someone who was constantly scrutinizing my work. So I was constantly having to hand in architecture drafts and redo them if my boss wasn't happy with them. Here, you can give me a word and I can create a piece around that one word. It doesn't have to be perfect and there's some back and forth communication. There's not one particular way to do something so, that's been nice being able to be open creatively." She explains.

I open my mouth to reply but I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"It's Vi."

I take my phone. For some reason, I'm disappointed but I can't put my finger on why. "Hey babe, I've missed you."

Hayden takes this time to excuse herself and joins Finn at the front of the bus.

"I've missed you too, how's tour?" She asks excitedly.

"Exhausting, but I love it. I wouldn't trade it for teaching again. I would trade it for seeing your cute face every night though. You'll have to come with me next time." I gush, laying back on the couch. "How are classes?"

"Pretty good, I'm actually in between micro and immunology right now. I love micro because we get to play with bacteria, hate immunology though."

"Oooo sounds like micro is fun, I don't miss those days though." I say with a chuckle.

"Yeah, it was good to hear your voice. I can't wait to see you... but I've gotta get to class. Can I call you later?" She asks. I had wanted to tell her Hayden was working on some designs with me and that we had been catching up but, it'll have to wait for a later conversation.

"Of course my love, be good or be good at it." I joke with her.

"I-... okay, bye babe, I love you."

Before I can say 'I love you' back, the line goes dead. Well, way to dampen the mood. I lay my phone on my stomach and drape my arm over my eyes. Three more months of this, and it's over just for it to start all over again when more songs drop. It's agonizing and exciting to think about. I want this, but I'm simultaneously dreading it. I let out a deep sigh.

"Tough conversation?" Hayden asks.

"More like a lack of conversation, she was in between classes..."

"Ahh, well she's probably busy just as much as you are right now, just give her some grace. I remember my art final for senior year... I nearly broke down from it." She explains.

"Yeah, and then I made you have a mental breakdown." I say, turning my body to face the back of the couch.

I hear her let out an exasperated sigh. "Billie... yes you pushed me. But, my breakdown wasn't just because of you... I had a lot going on that I didn't talk with you about. Partly because I didn't feel safe to talk to you, nor was there anything you could have done to help anyways." She confesses.

"Why didn't you feel safe to talk to me?"

"Our relationship was based mostly on the lack of talking... plus you had a propensity to go off when I tried to talk to you about serious stuff, so I just stopped being open with you. Which caused another rift in our relationship... but it's in the past. So can we just drop it?" She snaps at me.

"Yeah, sure."

I hadn't realize the emotional damage I had done to her, it made me hate who I was. I had turned into someone who didn't take someone for their word, and got angry over the smallest things. She deserved better.

"I have one question though..." I start while turning over to face her. "Why did you forgive me?"

She takes a sip of her drink and clears her throat. "I never said I did... but I'm not saying I won't. I believe in giving people second chances and treating others with respect regardless of whether they deserve it or not. You said you had changed and that you wanted to be friends... so, I'm giving you a second chance." She explains.

"I don't think I ever actually apologized to you for how I treated you, so... I'm sorry Hayden." I say, genuinely meaning every word.

She waves her hand. "It's fine Eilish. Just don't do it again." She says with a smirk.

"I wouldn't dream of it..."

I grab my phone and check my socials really quick. I see Violet posted a cute photo on Instagram and I can't help but like it. Seeing her happy makes me happy, it breaks my heart a little bit that she's not here with me. Maybe I can fly her out during spring break.

My thoughts are interrupted by my brother. "Hey Bil, your gonna wanna see this!"

I jump to my feet to see what he needs.

He hands me his phone and that's when I see it.

"No. No no. This can't be happening right now."

a/n: so I did this with my last series, and yes I'm planning on doing a second book when this is done. But, do you guys wanna know what I look like?

What do you guys think I look like? I'm curious to know.

I love you bubbies 💕

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