Close Isn't Close Enough

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Song - WHY by NF

"Claudia what are you doing here?" I ask, standing in the doorway.

"You and I are having a girls day, I've missed you. Plus this lil nugget is craving a Crunchwrap and some fire sauce." She rubs her very pregnant belly.

I smirk at her comment. I really have missed her. "Alright, let me put on some shoes and grab a jacket. I'll be just a minute." I say, stepping aside to let her in.

I pull on a hoodie and successfully get one of my shoes on. "Hey Cat, I'm going out text me if you need anything from the store!" I shout as I'm putting my other shoe on.

Half an hour later and Claudia and I are sitting in the park having a taco bell picnic.

"So why did you really come by?" I pry, knowing full well I haven't spoken to her since we were last at Finn's house.

"Well I do miss you, but Billie called me and asked for a favor." She spills before taking another bite of food.

"Oh? And what might that be?" I raise an eyebrow.

"To spend time with you."

I hum to myself. "Seems like she calls everyone under the sun to talk about me, but doesn't have the integrity to call me herself." I scoff.

"She can be emotional dumb sometimes, I'll give her that. But, she literally is the most caring person I've ever met. She actually spent the day with me to get me out of Finn's hair the day he proposed to me, she checks on me just because she wants to know how lil nugget is doing, and as much as it may seem like she's over stepping her bounds... she does have people's best interest at heart. Especially yours." She explains.

I can't help but chuckle at how right she is. "Fair enough, I get where you're coming from." I say, trying to appease her and change the subject.

"Ok so, you graduate soon right?"

"I do! In two weeks, ugh I'm so ready to be done." I groan out.

"Well I need to get you a graduation gift, is there anything in particular you want or need?"

"Claudia, you really don't have to. At this point I'm not even sure I'm staying here after graduation..."

"And why is that?"

"Billie ran the moment things got tough. And not like to your house to cool off, she got on a plane and left... what's the point in being with someone who says that they want me on my good days, bad days, and everything in between, but ditches you and leaves you high and dry when you need them most. I didn't want to talk to her about what happened because I was still processing it, I am still processing it. Maybe her being gone is a good thing for us..." I trail off, the thoughts on my head getting the best of me.

"That's a shame..."

"Why's that?"

"Because she's soft with you, she handles you with such care and delicacy that she's never done with anyone else. She's not used to handling trauma, which is ironic for someone who taught psychology. She knows so much about it, but experiencing it first hand is much different. Just be patient while she learns."

"As much of a pain in the ass that she is, I still love her... I'm still in love with her... anyways, graduation. Uh, one of my majors is psych and I've got probationary job lined up with a marketing company, if I do well I'll be hired on full time." I quickly change the subject not wanting to talk about my feelings anymore. They seem to be betraying me lately.

"So what I'm hearing is you'll need a bomb ass wardrobe to make a good first impression?" She says with a wink.

"Claudia no-"

"Claudia yes, we're going shopping."


"V, I just needed some tampons from the corner store... I didn't mean for you to raid the whole thing. Wait, what is this?" Cat asks holding up an item of clothing.

"That is the result of Claudia going overboard, she wouldn't give me the receipts, so I can't give her the money for what she spent. Also, get your grubby hands off of the lacy thong ma'am." I snatch the fabric out of her hands.

Just as I do, the doorbell rings and Cat jumps up to answer it. Minutes later she appears with to-go bags. "V, did you order DoorDash?"

"No..." I read the note stapled to one of the bags.

I know I'm sorry doesn't begin to cover things, but maybe I can start with your favorites?

It's sweet of her to do this from so far away... but she's right, sorry doesn't even come close.

a/n: I felt inspired today. I don't wanna go back to work tomorrow. I kiss just wanna stay home and get my music program up and running again

Have you ever felt physical pain from being away from someone, and you just crave just being in their presence because they kept you calm, and you didn't tic with them, and they just felt like a breath of fresh air and like home all rolled into one? And you'd give your left tit just to go back to September but only for those few days. That's me rn.
Ignore my sappy ass...

I love you bubbies 💕 be good, or be good at it

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