Living Dead

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You ever have that moment in your dream where you hear your alarm, but in your dream it doesn't process the same so you don't actually wake up. That is, until Cat throws a shoe at me.

"Violet turn your stupid alarm off." she groans out before turning over and going back to sleep.

I hit the button on my alarm and lay in bed just staring up at the ceiling for a moment. I don't want to move, I just wanna sink further into my bed and disappear. I take a deep breath and sigh before peeling the thick comforter off of my body. The moment my feet touch the cold tile floor, goosebumps erupt over my body.

5 am alarm isn't for a good shower time. It's not to be productive and go for a run. It's for the rooftop session I have every Tuesday and Thursday each week. In short it means I take the service ladder up to the roof of the women's dorm building.

I sit on the ledge with my feet dangling over the edge. I used to feel nervous when I would sit up here, scared even. Not scared of falling, or dying even. I was scared that if I ever decided to jump that it wouldn't work and I'd be worse off than I already am.

The only good thing about being awake this early is the sunrise that peeks through the trees. The vibrant colors almost make me feel something, almost. For some reason, today, it reminds me of the girl from yesterday. It wasn't that I was immediately attracted to her looks, no. It was the lack of interest that interested me. I was even feeling slightly excited for Wednesday's psych class, only because I wanted to know her name.

I head back down the stairs that lead me here and I'm met with the security guard making his early morning rounds.

"I thought I told you to stop going up there Vi." he says giving me a knowing glare.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Carson. Besides, it's not against school policy to be on the roof." I joke back before heading down the hall to my room.

As I reach for the handle the door is flung open, revealing an already dressed Cat. She gives my a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm headed out babe, either be good or be good at it!" she says in a rush to meet up with her basketball teammates.

I shut the door behind me and begin getting ready for work. Doesn't take much because I work at a radio station. The most I have to do is make small announcements while pretending to be excited about them and make playlists for the next hour. I pop in my headphones and head across campus to the station.

"This is Ultra-Violet at KNRN your favorite local alternative station. So it's good morning giveaway time, two tickets to the women's basketball game tonight along with some station swag. Be the first caller to answer this question correctly, other than sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing, what can sharks also sense? Give me a call to win these court side tickets." I state feigning enthusiasm, before switching back to the playlist I have lined up.

Calls come pouring in and the first couple of people to answer the trivia question are incorrect. I press the button to move onto the next caller.

"KNRN this is Ultra-Violet, can you tell me what other than sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing, what can sharks also sense?" I speak clearly into the mic.

"Is it electricity?" a woman's voice graces my ears through my headphones.

"That would be correct! Congratulations on winning today's good morning giveaway! If you're close you can stop by the station anytime before 5, otherwise I can meet you at the stadium if you choose that too." I tell her.

"Well I have work until 5 but I'll be able to meet you at the stadium around 5:30." she says.

"Alright, I'll be at the west wing wearing a bright yellow KNRN hoodie with purple lettering. I'll see you then." I say before hanging up and making some changes to the playlist.

Hours later I'm standing outside of the stadium with a backpack full of swag and two tickets to tonight's game. I hate the hoodie I'm wearing. I despise the color yellow, it's far too happy for my liking. The only good thing is that I can cover up the sadness in my eyes with sunglasses.

"I've been listening to that station every morning before work and had no idea that you were UV... based on your behavior yesterday, I would have assumed you were dark and moody, not a peppy radio host." a familiar voice snaps me from my thoughts.

Window girl. Dressed in an unusual pair of shorts and a baggy t-shirt.

"Well you'd be right, I am dark and moody." I joke back, I hope she doesn't catch onto the truth behind that. "Here are your tickets and your swag."

She takes the back and gives me a smirk before I walk away. I can feel my cheeks heating up even though I'm not looking at her anymore.

"Not staying for the game?" she shouts after me.

I turn on my heel and shout back. "Nah, my roommate plays so I'm sure I'll hear all about it tonight." I hope she can't see my blushing from this distance.

Go back to your dorm Violet.

You're not worth it.

There goes my self-esteem.

I finally step through the door to my room, slamming it behind me. I should have jumped this morning. The falling would be euphoric and then it would all be over... just like, that.

As soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out.

Waking up with either 30 minutes of sleep, or 10 hours, I still wake up exhausted. I look over at Cat's bed and it's empty. She probably ended up hooking up with some fuck boy after the game, it's typical for her.

I brush my teeth and throw on some sweats. I don't give a fuck about how I look today. That is until I get to my afternoon psych class and I see window girl sitting in the front row like she was last week. I take my favorite seat and more students trickle in. Once the class is full, window girl stands up and loudly drags a chair to the front of the room and sits down. The class is silent.

She stares out to the class sitting before her silently observing everyone.

"Yo, who are you?" a random guy speaks up, breaking the awkward silence in the room.

"That's the question I wanted to hear. I'm Miss O'Connell, your psych 328 behavioral modification professor. Don't ever call me that though, I prefer being called Billie. Raise your hand if you thought I was a student." she orders.

This is going to be a weird semester.

a/n: yall what do you think is gonna happen? 🤭

How was your day bubbies? Are you drinking enough water? Have you eaten today?

I lub you bubbies! 💕

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