Consent To Kiss

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*Billie's POV*

I wrap my arms around my brothers neck, then Claudia's. "Congratulations you two! Can't wait to have a mini finny running around. You know I'm going to spoil him rotten." I say with a grin.

"Yeah yeah." Finn says nudging my arm.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and see that Violet has texted me. I won't lie to you and say that I'm not excited, because contrary to my stoic appearance, internally I'm overjoyed. I send her a quick couple of texts back.

"I hate to go, but I have some grading to catch up on." I lie through my teeth, excusing myself from their company.

I pull up to Violets dorm. Should I text her that I'm here? Should I go knock on her door? Fuck it, I'm knocking. I trudge up the stairs and knock on her door. It opens and Violet slips out closing the door quietly behind her.

She shoves me down the hallway. "Go, my roommate is asleep and I really don't wanna have to explain to her why I'm leaving with my psych professor." she explains.

As we trudge back down the stairs I subtly grab her backpack off of her shoulder and carry it for her. I know full well she doesn't need me to, but she doesn't stop me either.

Twenty minutes later and I'm unlocking the door to my house. "You can take your bag to either the guest room on the right, or to my room which is straight back. The choice is yours." I tell her, secretly hoping she chooses a certain one over the other.

She wanders down the hall and I avert my eyes trying not to pay attention to which room she chooses. Moments later she returns and I open my mouth to speak but she beats me to it.

"Your room is, comforting to say the least." she says trying to make small talk.

"Thanks... I um, I wanted to have a serious conversation with you if you're open to it?" I question her, fidgeting with the keys still in my hands.

"I'm open to lots of things, especially if they involve you." she says and I take a deep breath to recenter myself.

"You obviously know that I like you, a lot. I find you very attractive and I want to get to know you, in more ways than one. Shit, that probably doesn't make sense... my brain just- I'm an adult, you're an adult, I can't date you in public obviously because that would be hella controversial, but I want to. Can we keep it lowkey for now?" I say, rambling on and on.

She takes a second to process everything that spilled out of my mouth. "So correct me if I'm wrong... are you asking me out? And if so, are you asking me to keep it a secret?" she asks wanting clarification.

"Yes I'm asking you out. I also wanted to try something harmless if you're willing." I proposition her and she hesitates for a moment. "I'll understand if you say no."

"I like you too. Something about you is just so, magnetic. So yes, I can remain discrete about our 'relationship' if that's what you want and yes I'm willing. Thank you." she says and I look at her confused for a moment.

"For what?"

"For asking."

I take her hands into mine and gently place a kiss on each of her knuckles, keeping eye contact with her just to see her reaction.

"I'm just letting you know now, I'm not exactly prepared..." I tell her, feeling slightly embarrassed that I hadn't planned ahead. Granted, I didn't think she'd be so willing.

"Prepared for what?" she asks with a puzzled look.

"I-... just wait here." I say before dashing off to my room to grab a cord and I pause for a split second. She put her bag in here, which means she trusts me in some small way. I rejoin her holding out the cord, letting her feel it, twisting it in her fingers.

"Do you trust me?" I ask her in a firm tone.

She looks up and her eyes meet mine. "Yes. I do."

I take the cord and loop it around one of her wrists, binding it. I repeat the same process for the other wrist before forming a knot in the cord.

I can see the rise and fall of her chest as she breathes. The more I progress the faster her breathing gets. I jerk on the knot, the bindings pulling at her small wrists and she lets out a small yelp.

I pull on it again, this time forcing her to step closer to me. I close my eyes and brush my nose against her jawline. Violet tips her neck to the side, exposing herself. Letting herself be vulnerable with me.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her.

I feel her fingers grab and pull on my shirt as if she wants me to be impossibly close. "I feel excited but safe. Also very... aroused. My heart is beating out of my chest and I want, more."

"May I kiss you right here?" I ask her as I touch my fingers gently to her neck, letting her know that's the spot I want to mark.

She lets out the most beautiful 'please' that I've ever had the pleasure of hearing. I have every intention of hearing her whisper that over and over, because that is one sound I'll never grow tired of.

I attach my lips to her neck, nipping and sucking until it forms a purple bruise. I run my tongue over it to soothe any pain I might have caused her. I pull back to admire my work.

Even though I can't be as open as I want in letting the world know how much I want her, desire her, and adore her... they're gonna know she belongs to someone. Every time that I see that beautiful mark that I've left on her body, I'll know that I did that, and that's enough for me.

While I'm standing there just admiring her, I hear her stomach growl.

"Did you eat today babygirl?" I question her, raising a brow.

"It's been a few hours..." she says trailing off.

I tug on one of the ends of the cord, releasing the knot and the cord falls to the ground. I caress her cheek, placing a chaste kiss on her lips. "Let's get you something to eat babygirl." I tell her.

I'm kind of hungry too if I'm being honest.

But my appetite can't be satiated by food.

I want her.

a/n: y'all!! consent is sexy! Fr tho! Yes means yes. No means no. Maybe means no.

Also can September hurry up and be here? Thank youuuuuu.


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