A Wake

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Song - Riptide by Unlike Pluto

"Cat this is way more than 20 people!" I shout over the music blasting from the speakers.

"Girl, relax! Here drink this!" She says handing me a shot of who knows what.

Do I drink it, or do I not? Fuck it. I down the shot and hand the glass back to her. "Give me another one. If we're partying, we're doing it right." She pours me another and I down that one too.

"Hell yeah!" She says before dragging me to go dance with her.

I feel the bass in my bones, I can't help but move my body. Apparently neither can anybody else. I feel someone's hands grip my hips from behind and they sway their body with mine. I absentmindedly turn around and recognize douche bag Kyle. I'm too inebriated to care. He presses his forehead against mine and we just move to the music, not caring who's around us.

All of a sudden I feel a hand grab my shoulder hard and jerk me back.

"What the fuck Kyle?" Cat shouts.

"Oh come on, I was just dancing babe. Besides she was practically dry humping me just now." He snaps back.

"No." She pokes her finger into his chest. "First off you're a dick for throwing her under the bus. Secondly, she's happily seeing someone. And lastly, we broke up so you weren't invited, leave."

"Fucking cunt." He mutters under his breath before leaving and slamming the front door.

"Cat, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." I say, my arms crossed.

"Vi it's fine, he's a dick and I trust my best friend more than I trust any man." She says wrapping me in a hug. I pull away to pour myself another shot. That's when things start to get blurry.


"Hey, what are you doing on the roof?" Someone's voice snaps me from my trance.

"I-..." I look around for a moment. I'm not even sure how I got up here. "I don't know."

"Well..." he says as he climbs out onto the roof, slipping a bit. "How about I stay here with you until you're ready to go back in?"

"Sure." I pull my knees to my chest and just breathe.

His foot slips a bit as he takes a seat next to me.  He mutters a quiet 'fuck' under his breath. "So what's got you all alone up here when there's a perfectly good party downstairs?"

"I could ask you the same question..."

"Touché. I was looking for the bathroom but then I heard somebody talking out here and that brings us up to speed on me." He says with a chuckle.


"How is that almost up to speed?" He asks leaning back on his elbows.

"Well for starters, I don't know your name." I explain bluntly.

"I'm Landon... and your Violet." He answers.

I whip my head to look at him. "I-... how do you know my name?" I ask.

"Last semester. Professor O'Connell's Behavior Modification course... I sat right next to you. It appears your eyes were glued to the instructor most of the time. When they weren't, you were doodling mostly. Pretty good work if I do say so myself." He says with a smile.

"Guess I should have paid more attention in there."

"Maybe... so, not to ruin the bonding moment here, but I'm terrified of heights and I just wanted to make sure you weren't trying to off yourself wandering on a roof. Can we maybe go inside?" He confesses as he stands, holding his hand out to me.

"Wouldn't be the first time but, sure." I mutter under my breath, taking his hand and climbing back inside the window.

I hope he didn't hear me, but when I look at his face he's giving me a puzzled look. He definitely heard. I make my way back to the kitchen and pour myself another drink.

I check the clock. 1:00 am.

Eh, should I be asleep? Yes. Am I tired? Definitely not.


I don't remember falling asleep. Nor do I remember anything after that brief conversation with Landon. Without opening my eyes, I turn over and snuggle back into my pillow. I guess when I moved it woke somebody else up because they turned over too.


Why the fuck is there someone in my bed?

I open my eyes to see Cat laying next to me. Ok, that's not unusual, she and I have shared a bed before. No big deal. But then I look behind Cat to see Landon.

What the actual fuck happened last night?

I slip out of bed, my feet touching the cold floor sending shivers up my spine. I feel myself. Pants are gone, but I still have my panties on, and I apparently stole one of Billie's shirts to sleep in.

Maybe nothing happened.

I grab my phone off of the bed side table.

2:00 pm.

11 messages.
3 missed calls.
2 emails.

If I wasn't fucked last night, I certainly am now.

a/n: Violet done messed upppp.

On another note, I'm in a super good mood rn. So ask me anything!! Literally anything you wanna know I'll answer!

I lub you bubbies 💕

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