Dirty Innocence

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*Billie's POV*

There's an awkward tension between us as I drive. The atmosphere is so thick, but neither of us says anything to address it. I pull up to the restaurant and just sit for a moment before speaking.

"If at anytime you feel uncomfortable or want to stop anything, even if it's simply having dinner with me tonight, I'll respect your decision to say no." I say lowly my eyes fixed to my hands resting in my lap.

"I wouldn't have gotten into the car if I didn't want to Billie." she says softly, almost as if she's afraid to speak.

It's interesting that she seemed so confident when I first met her, but seeing her out of her comfort zone, she's a sensitive fragile being and I want nothing more than to care for her. I let out a low 'mmm' and step out of the car before opening her door for her. I see a blush creep up on her cheeks as she steps out, cute. I even go so far as to hold the door open for her, because she deserves to be doted on.

I can't explain why I want to be near her, or what about her makes her so unbelievably attractive. Believe me I've weighed the pros and cons of the situation. I know I could lose my job, my teaching license, my credibility as an educator. I kind of like being in a position of authority, and I don't know what I'd be doing if I didn't have this.

I want what I want though.

Tonight, all I know is I want her.

"What that look for?" she asks me, snapping me from my inner monologue. She gives me an occasional glance as she browses over the menu.

"What look?" I ask her, completely unaware of my facial expression.

"The current one you have. It's like- it's like you're looking at me like a piece of meat. Objectifying me in a sense... I thought it wasn't acceptable to objectify women Billie." she says as she bites her lip, challenging me.

Oh my fuck, please stop doing that.

"I can stop looking at you if you'd like." I offer, crossing my legs under the table, trying my best to hold my shit together.

"I don't think I'd like that... so please don't stop." she says softly.

"Good, because I hadn't planned on stopping. What do you want to eat?" I ask her changing the subject as quickly as possible. I don't want to have to explain the thoughts running through my head about how much I want to have her writhing beneath me.

"Oh, I'm not all that hungry." she says closing her menu.

"Violet, I know damn well you haven't eaten anything all day." I snap, sounding a little harsher than I wanted to. "Sorry- will you please eat something, even if it's just a couple of bites?" I plead, my voice much softer this time.

She gives me a small 'okay' and picks something out.

"So you're obviously a smart woman, what's your major and why choose a small town college like this one?" I ask her genuinely interested in her.

"Well I was undeclared for my first two years, but settled on a biotechnology major with a minor in psych. Hence, why I have so many psych courses on my transcript that you're probably aware of. Um- I chose this particular school because this was the only school that offered me a full ride scholarship, so..." she says hanging her head over the last statement, like she's embarrassed that she couldn't go to school any other way.

"I get that. I actually started out in community college because one, I had not idea where I wanted to go and two, I had no idea what I wanted to major in and three, I paid for school out of pocket for my first two years. Even though I seem proficient in my field, that's one of the only topics I'm confident in." I tell her in an attempt to make her feel more accepting of her situation. No one should be ashamed of that.

"That's understandable. You seem pretty confident and can definitely command a room, that's for sure. You're very bold to say the least. Although I've noticed you're especially bold with me, why is that?" she asks me.

I was trying to avoid this question and any of its variants, but she isn't letting it go. "Dinner's over." I say, tossing a couple twenties on the table and grabbing her hand, leading her to the car. Admittedly, my heart flutters when I touch her hand, but I can't let her see me soft. I don't let anyone see that side of me.

As soon as I close my door I look over and see violet biting her thumb nail.

"Stop that." I order and she lowers her hand as she crosses her arms over her chest. Oh, she wants to be feisty like that?

I place my hand on her thigh and I just watch how her body reacts. Her eyes close, she lightly bites her lower lip, and her nostrils flare a little bit as her breath hitches slightly.

Then I decide to be bold and break the silence by muttering 'good girl'. The moment it escapes my lips, a whimper escapes hers. She clasps her hand over her mouth, clearly embarrassed. The thing is, I can't help but giggle at how cute it sounded. I can't help that I want to hear it over and over again.

a/n: what's the worst movie you've ever seen? What made it horrible? How would you make it better?

Also how we feeling about the book so far?

Stay safe, stay healthy. Love you bubbies 💕

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