Back Against The Wall

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*Violet's POV*

"Make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back." Billie says disappearing down the hallway.

I take a moment to admire the artwork hanging in her living room, stopping at one that's absolutely stunning. It's a portrait of her. Billie's voice grabs my attention.

"I promise I'm not that vain... an old friend painted that a long time ago." she says and I turn to see her admiring her own portrait.

She's changed into a t-shirt and a pair of sweats, tossed her hair up in a messy bun, and for once in the short period of time I've known her, it's in this moment that she's the most beautiful that I've seen her.

"Thank you." she says with a cheeky grin on her face.

"Shit, I did not mean to say that out loud..." I groan out, covering my face with my hands.

I feel Billie's hands gently pull my hands from my face and she looks at me. "Don't... don't hide that beautiful face from me. I kinda like seeing you get flustered." she admits and it makes me blush even harder than I already was.

Billie sighs while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I know it's highly frowned upon, but I'm not gonna sugar coat this... I like you. I have this- undeniable attraction to you, and I love it and hate it all at the same time." she confesses, visibly nervous. Part of what she said kind of stings though.

"Do you feel that two sided about me?" I question her.

"No, noo. Shit... I like you. Granted, yes it could pose problems if anyone were to find out you're even here with me right now. The thing is, I- I've always stifled parts of my personality to fit into the box that people have wanted to shove me into. But the moment I met you, something in me just- woke up, I guess. Now that it's awake, I don't think I want to put it back to sleep..." she admits trailing off. I hadn't noticed how close she had gotten to me, nor had I noticed how erratic my breathing had gotten.

The way I feel right now, this woman could tell me to do anything and I'd happily oblige.

"You've got to stop biting that lip babygirl." she says rolling her eyes, which makes me only bite my lip even more.

I can't take the innocent teasing anymore and I pull her by her shirt and crash my lips on hers. Never breaking the kiss, her hands immediately find my wrists and she pushes me until my back hits the wall with my hands pinned on either side of my head. I let out a yelp when I feel my back hit the wall, and I feel my bottom lip being tugged on with her teeth. She releases my lip and it goes back into place, making a 'pop' against my teeth.

I can feel my heart beating out of my chest, I feel as though Billie can hear it. After a moment she releases my wrists and I let them fall to my sides. She tips my chin up and places a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Go change into something comfortable babygirl, bathroom is the first door on the left." she tells me and I involuntarily let out another whimper.

Billie closes her eyes, at first I get the feeling she's annoyed, but I see the slightest smirk tugging at the corners of her lips that lets me know she's pleased. It gives me a sense of satisfaction to please her in this way.

I grab my bag and head to the bathroom to change. I pull my hair out of the side braid that I had it in, letting the waves of hair flow over my shoulders. For once in my life I feel, desired and wanted.

When I return I see Billie has made herself comfortable. She pats the spot in front of her. "Come sit."

I do as I'm told and I feel her snake her arms around my waist as she pulls me closer. I lay back against her chest and she runs her fingers through my hair, lightly scratching my scalp as we watch tv.

"I like it when you wear your hair down, it's so pretty. You're so pretty." she whispers in my ear.

I'm thankful she can't see my face because I'm blushing, hard.

"I like it even more when you blush." she whispers in my ear again. My eyes go wide at her comment. How does she know?

She giggles and grazes the top of my ear with her finger. "When you blush sometimes, it radiates to the tips of your ears, it's very cute Violet." she elaborates.

I give her a small thank you and turn on my side cuddling into her, even wrapping my leg over hers. She doesn't say anything, so I guess she's okay with it.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I wake up feeling more refreshed than I have in a long time. I shift a bit and realize I'm still practically laying on top of Billie and her arm is still draped over me, she does the one thing I don't want her to. She wraps her arm around me tighter and lets out a cute sleepy sigh.

"Billie..." I whisper. She can't hear me.

"Billie." I whisper a little louder. Still nothing.

"Billie." I whisper while reaching up to poke her cheek.

"Mmmm, yes princess?" she groans out in a raspy morning voice. I was going to tell her I was hungry, but she's left me speechless yet again.

a/n: y'all. don't. even. know.

where the inspiration comes from.

Side note, I prefer eating things in pairs, and if it's an uneven number I'll either cut said item in half to make it even, or if it's candy, I'll give the last piece away.
Do any of you guys have any weird quirks/habits?

Lub you bubbies 💕

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