Picture Perfect

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*Violet's POV*

I lay in bed for another couple of hours, only getting up because my stomach was growling. Billie's house has more to it than I thought. Granted I've only really seen a few rooms, but I do recall her saying I could do anything I wanted here. My 5'2 ass is currently standing on the counter getting a bowl out of the cabinet, yay for the struggles of being short. I hop off the counter and pour myself some cereal, grab a spoon and give the drawer a booty bump to close it.

I spot a radio in the living room and turn that bad boy on, letting music flood the house. I lightly dance around while taking a bite of cereal every once in awhile. I go down the opposite hallway and similar to the other end of the house, they're are two rooms.

One is a home gym, which reminds me that I haven't actually seen Billie without being swallowed by clothes 4 sizes too big. She probably looks amazing... I poke at my pudgy tummy. Jeez I need to work out and take care of myself. Who am I kidding, I'm lucky I wake up most mornings, so why does self care matter again?

The other room looks to be a home office. Makes sense considering her profession... I wonder what secrets I can dig up. I set my bowl on the desk. Nothing out of the ordinary on top, your typical pens, post it notes, and other stationary.

My eyes are drawn to the artwork that sits behind her desk. It looks oddly familiar and I can't put my finger on why. It's a simple shot of en eye with an ornate gold piece held close. It's got the same initials at the bottom as the portrait that hangs in her living room. Then it dawns on me, it's Billie. I take a moment to just admire it before becoming a nosy bitch again.

I shuffle through the drawers of her desk, finding nothing remotely incriminating until...


I found some pictures of Billie with a girl. They look to be a few years old. Some of them are cute sweet moments between them. Others are more... graphic in nature. I wonder who the other woman is in the picture.

I see a few family pictures sitting on a shelf. One of them is of Billie caring for a horse with a huge grin on her face. Part of me wishes I had known her back then, because as an adult she's very reserved, guarded, always watching her surroundings. I just wanna know her.

Then my eyes go to the riding crop tacked on the wall over the shelf. I reach up and my fingers graze over the leather bit. Some fucked up part of me likes the way that it feels against my skin.

I close my eyes and it's in that moment I realize that all I can hear is the sound of my own heart beating in my chest. I thought...

I feel someone grip my ass hard and Billie's voice coos in my ear. "I missed you mamas." she says before taking my earlobe in between her teeth and tugging lightly.

"Jeez, my ass cheeks are never safe around you are they?" I ask with a giggle.

I feel her press herself against me. "With an ass like yours? Never." she whispers in my ear before letting out a soft giggle.

I can feel my heartbeat quickening.

Change the subject.

"I didn't know you were into horses." I blurt out and I feel her back off a bit, her hands resting on my hips for just a moment.

She reaches past me, grabbing the photo in question and looks at it with a smile. "Yeah I uh, I used to volunteer with them just so I could ride. I miss it some days."

"Why'd you quit?"

"I didn't, I just don't have much free time like I used to. Although lately, most of it I spend with you to be honest." she says without looking up.

Her tone says she's not unhappy, but I still feel a pang of guilt hit my chest like a ton of bricks. "I think I'd like to go back to my dorm." I say in a hushed tone, staring at my feet.

I hear the wooden frame of the photo being set gently back on the shelf. I see Billie's shoes come into my field of vision. I feel her tip my chin up so that I meet her eyes. "What's wrong Violet?" she says, concern lacing her voice.

"Nothing." I mutter out a little too quickly.

Her eyes narrow. "Liar."

My head bows again. "You has said that lately you spend your free time with me, and the way you held and looked at that picture... made me feel like I'm a waste of your free time. I know your tone didn't convey that, but-"

"No. You are not a waste of my free time Violet. I like spending time with you. Whether it's going out for food, being lazy on the couch, or even stealing glances your way during lecture I enjoy the time I get to even be near you." she says before reaching up to cup my face. "I even enjoy being physically intimate with you. Like this... I don't need to have sex constantly. Do I constantly want to have mind blowing sex with you? Hell fucking yes I do. Because I find you extremely sexy and I adore your magnetic personality. But, I don't need sex to be intimate with you."

I feel my cheeks heat up at her words. I definitely don't view myself as sexy. I'm just an awkward human who has an affinity for my mysterious psych professor.

Billie gives me a gentle kiss on my forehead. "If you still want me to take you back to your dorm I will, but if it's any consolation, I'd like you to stay."

I wrap my arms around her waist like it's second nature and her scent comforts me as I feel her arms envelop me, hugging me tightly.

The moment lasts for a brief few seconds and then I remembered something.

"Billie?" I speak up getting her attention.


"Who's the woman with you in the pictures?"

a/n: I'm sorry it took so long to update. I went on vacation (I'm still on it) but I finally had some free time and tbh I've missed y'all. 💕

Also I did one of those peel off masks today... I got some in my hair. At this point I don't even care 😂 we all know I'm a goofy person.

I love you bubbies 💕

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