Two Faced

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"Which pictures?" Billie asks. I turn to grab the photos off of her desk and before I can she snatches them. "Where did you get these?" she grits through her teeth, her brow furrowed deep. Clearly I've struck a nerve.

"I- your- they were in your desk." I stammer out in a near whisper.

She takes a step forward and I take one back. "You went through my desk?" she asks taking another step towards me.

I match her and step back once more, this time my ass bumping against the edge of the desk. "I- yes."

"That was a locked drawer Violet... why would you-" she starts but I cut her off.

"It wasn't." I blurt out.

"Bull-fucking-shit! I know I locked..." she says kneeling down to check the lock mechanism. She turns a key in the lock, but it doesn't change anything.

Billie drops her keys on the floor and sits with her back against the wall, just staring at the open drawer. I just stand there with my ass still pressed against the edge of the desk, staring at my feet. I wonder what's going on through her head. Is she mad? Is she going to snap? What the fuck do I do here?

Billie kicks her foot out and it meets the front of the drawer, splintering it in a few places. I jump at the suddenness and for a moment her eyes meet mine. In that instant, her eyes went from being full of rage to being full of sorrow.

She runs her fingers through her hair. "I'm sorry you had to see that. I don't typically lash out. When I do it's never at a person, usually at inanimate things. I'm not mad at you... I'm mad at myself for assuming you had gone through something that I thought I had secured." she says as she picks up the photos. "This was my ex, the same one that did the paintings of me that you've seen throughout my house."

"Oh... what happened between you two?" I ask her.

"We just fell out of love with each other, it's was a mutual thing. No cheating, no juicy scandal, just an amicable break up." she explains. Somethings not adding up though, why react in such a harsh way if things ended in a friendly manner? Why keep and hide pictures? I take note of her reaction, but let it slide for now.

I hold out my hand. "Get up, we're going somewhere." I tell her, not giving her a chance to say no.

"Violet being bold? Fuck." she says with a smirk on her face. It seems as though I caught her off guard, and part of me relishes in this small rare moment that I get to be in control.

Half and hour later and we're at the radio station.

"This is Ultra-Violet and you're listening to KNRN. I've got a new song for you guys this afternoon I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea who sings it but that's what happens when you follow a rabbit trail and click the sketchy link in your email. Anyways, hope you guys like it." I say before muting my mic and turning to Billie. A blush creeps up on my cheeks at the way she's looking at me.

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"On air you're so confident and outspoken, but with me you're very quiet. Why is that?" she clarifies.

"Probably because nobody can see me, plus I use a 'fake' name sort of. It's not like anyone is going to assume I'm the radio host they listen to on a near every day basis." I chuckle out.

"Hmm makes sense. Why did you bring me here?" she asks me.

Jeez, what's with the interrogation... "Well, for one I had to work tonight anyways. Two, I didn't feel right leaving you alone after your outburst." I say pausing for a moment. "I have an idea..."

After a few song changes later, we finally have it down.

"Aye! Ultra-Violet bringing you the best new indie music, tonight we have a special guest who's going to announce the next song. You know what that means... five minute firing squad! Name?"


"Current favorite song?"

"I See You by MISSIO."

"Last thing you ate?"

"P- pineapple."

"Is a hotdog a sandwich?"

"Uh maybe?"

"Yes or no Eilish"


"Least favorite color?"


"Do you like mushrooms?"

"Hell no. Them bitches are nasty."


"26. I turn 27 in a couple weeks."

"What do you want for your birthday?"

"How is that relevant?"

"Answer the question Eilish."

"Uhh, is birthday sex an acceptable answer?"

"Yes. How do you like your coffee?"

"Black, two sugars."

"Ok, ok enough of the interrogation. What have we got next?"

"Alright this next one is Lost My Mind by FINNEAS, hope you guys enjoy it." she says with a wide grin.

I slide the fader up and her brothers song fills the studio. It takes her a moment to process that she's hearing her brothers voice.

"Wait, is this?" she says baffled.

"It's your brother. Honestly I get so many demo samples sent to me, and I do go through them occasionally... but I may or may not have heard you two at his house. Lowkey jealous of his voice, it's beautiful. I reached out to him and he sent me this. I figured it be a nice surprise for you." I say, blush tinting my cheeks.

"Are you kidding me? You are amazing Violet, I'm so glad that I get to call you mine." she says grabbing my face and kissing me.

This. I can get used to moments like this.

a/n: Would you rather explore the vastness of space or the depths of the ocean?

Also I'm in a 'mood' so y'all might get some graphic stuff in the next ch...

I love you bubbies! 💕

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