And Seek

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*Billie's POV*

Violet and I ended up staying at my brothers for dinner. The ride back to my place was quieter than usual, the moment I park my car and get at good look at the passengers seat I see that Violet is asleep.

I make my way to her side of the car, reaching over to unbuckle her seatbelt. I grab her arms and lift them, they automatically wrap around my neck. As I pick her up, her legs wrap around my body as her head settles in the crook of my neck.

I carry a very sleepy Violet inside. As I set her down she doesn't let go. I try to pry her arms and legs off of me but she lets out a drawn out groan before mumbling against my neck. "Don't go."

I shift a little so I can lay down and Violet gets comfortable resting her head on my chest and slipping her hand under my shirt, just letting it rest on my stomach. Before I know it, she's fallen back to sleep, soft little snores escaping her barely parted lips. I stare up at the ceiling unable to shut my mind off.

I hadn't planned on her meeting my brother, at least not this early. It tasted like vinegar having to say she was just a friend... technically it's true, we are just friends. We haven't exactly had a conversation about labels, but I do know I have very strong feelings for her.

Strong feelings of adoration.

Strong feelings of desire.

Strong feelings of lust.

Strong feelings of dominance.

I try to control my breathing as I swallow the lump in my throat. The more that I think about the woman sleeping, her body tangled on top of mine, the more bothered I seem to get. Violet shifts in her sleep, her hand moving down my stomach. Fuck, I need to take a cold shower. I try my best to untangle myself from her limbs and she holds onto me tighter, groaning at me again.

"You're not even asleep are you?" I ask her as I brush some hair out of her face. I see a grin spread across her face as she gives me a small 'no' in reply, while simultaneously moving her hand dangerously close to my waistband.

I grip her wrist harshly and swing my leg over her body. Now that I have the advantage, I grab her other wrist and pin the both of them above her head. I admire the beauty that lies willingly underneath me. I hadn't realized I had zoned out until her voice snaps me out of my own head.



She gives me a puzzled look. "What's going on in that brain of yours... what's got your attention?"

Do I tell her or do I keep it to myself?

"You. More specifically, I want you to be mine." I elaborate, my gaze never leaving hers. I see her bite her lip, which lets me know that she's nervous. "Babygirl, if you don't want-"

"It's not that I don't want to, because believe me I do. I've just- how do I put this... I've never dated another woman before." she confesses, which takes me aback.

"So what you're saying is, yes? If it makes you feel any better I've only dated one other woman and to spare my pride, it did not go well." I say with a chuckle.

"It's a yes from me."

I cup her face and kiss her gently. I want her to feel adored, valued, and treasured in this moment. I don't want to ruin it by flipping that switch and having my so called 'Mr. Hyde' come out. "Can I just cuddle the shit out of you tonight?" I ask her.

"Bil, you could wrap your hand around my throat and I'd say 'more please', so yes you can cuddle me to your hearts content." she says with a giggle.

Fucking hell, this woman makes my heart beat faster without even touching me.





"Billie turn off your fucking alarm." Violet groans out.

I roll over and check my phone. It's 9:38. Fuck, I'm late. I'm so fucking late. I scramble out of bed and throw on some fresh clothes and toss Vi's bag on the bed. "Baby, you gotta get up and get dressed we're late." I tell her but she just opens one eye and glares at me. I'll deal with that later.

At this point I've missed my first lecture of the day and I'll be a few minutes late to the second lecture. It's gonna look hella suspicious. On second thought...

"Do you have any classes after mine today?"


"How would you like to just stay here until I get back from work? Feel free to explore and do anything you want."

"Okay, but why are you offering?"

"Because if I show up late to class at the same time as you, it looks suspicious. I promise to count you present for attendance." I say leaning over and giving her a kiss on the tip of her nose. "Alright baby I've gotta head out but I'll see you in a couple hours."

I start my drive to campus, my mind on the girl currently lazing about my house.

I've got nothing to hide, right?

a/n: so I'm currently on vacation at the beach and there was a Trader Joe's nearby, guess who got some premium snick snacks? Me. I also touched my toes into the Atlantic Ocean. I feel like I can finally breathe.

What's your favorite to getaway?

I love you bubbies 💕

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