Concrete Walls Require Wrecking Balls

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*Billie's POV*

I'm good at reading people, always have been. As I look over the students in my class I guarantee you I have all of them pegged to a tee. The guy that spoke up is your typical cocky jock. The guy sitting to his right is his ego booster who hypes him up but never has an original thought to himself. Most people are easy to break down into their insecurities because of this. Most of it boils down to someone who's hurt them on some emotional level.

But there's one girl I can't seem to figure out, and it's driving me mad. I thought I had her the first day. She was the last person to leave, seemed unenthusiastic about everything, but then I saw her again at the stadium and she was a completely different person. Today, she's back to being dark and moody.

"That's the question I wanted to hear. I'm Miss O'Connell, your psych 328 behavioral modification professor. Don't ever call me that though, I prefer being called Billie. Raise your hand if you thought I was a student." I order.

I see everyone's hand go up, even Vi's.

I smirk for a moment before speaking again. "Alright, who here knows about positive and negative reinforcement?"

A girl raises her hand and I nod, giving her permission to speak. "Isn't positive reinforcement rewarding good behavior and negative reinforcement taking away the thing that is causing negative emotions?"

"That's along the right track. An example of positive reinforcement would be the fact I gave Violet here, 20 extra credit points just for staying longer than I did the first day of classes." I announce.

I hastily regret saying anything about that because the entire class looks at her and her cheeks flush a deep shade of scarlet. I didn't mean to embarrass her, and I know I've just put a target on her back. Shit.

I continue teaching about the differences between reinforcement and before I know it my watch vibrates letting my know class is over.

"Alright that's time, next class will be on the pros, cons, and effects of punishment. Read up on that section in your textbook before Friday." I announce as everyone gathers their things.

I notice that a Violet never even took a notebook out of her bag, let alone a pen to write with.

"Violet can you hang back for a second please?" I ask and she rolls her eyes and gives me a reluctant nod.

Did she just- just ignore it Billie.

Once the class clears out I approach her desk. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you earlier, I didn't mean to absentmindedly call you out like that." I apologize, genuinely meaning it.

"It's fine." she replies, her tone dripping with anger and resentment but her eyes stay averted from mine.

Two can play that game. "I saw you didn't take notes today, is that going to be a problem Miss Adams?" I grit through my teeth.

"No ma'am, it won't. Now if you're done calling me out on every little thing you see or think is going to be a problem, I'm leaving." she says picking up her bag and darting out of my classroom.

I always have a problem student, and typically it's usually the jock. I have a feeling that this time around, it's going to be her.

The rest of my teaching day is relatively uneventful, but for some reason I can't get the earlier interaction out of my mind.

Why is she so defensive?

Why is she so duplicitous?

What is she hid- nope, don't get involved Billie. It's not your place.

I grab my keys off of my desk and sling my bag over my shoulder before locking my office. I'm supposed to be meeting my brother for drinks in a bit. So I shoot him a quick text to confirm.

-still down to link?-

-yup, be there in 25-

Awesome, I haven't seen him in a hot minute so it'll be good to catch up. He got married a few months ago and I got the job at the university, so I spent my summer planning a curriculum. It was painstaking, and honestly I might seem confident when I'm standing up in front of students teaching, but I'm terrified that I'm not good enough.

I let out a sigh before unlocking my car and making my way to the bar across town.

First things first, he wraps me in a bear hug and picks me up. He knows I can't stand it when my feet don't touch the floor.

"Brooooo put me the fuck down." I whine.

"Alright alright! So how goes work?" he asks nudging my shoulder.

"It's fine I guess, new school, new faces, same bullshit though. Although for some reason, you know how the loud mouth jocks are usually my problem students?" I ask him and he gives me a nod.

"I have a feeling that will be normal in comparison to the gem I had the pleasure of dealing with today." I explain.

"Ok I'm gonna need more than that vague answer. Give me details." he prods me, giving my an eyebrow wiggle. Ugh, why is he so needy for gossip? It doesn't even pertain to him.

"Just a girl. A girl that I can't read. It's like she has so many walls up and wears so many masks that I can't tell you what makes her tick, but her attitude was certainly pushing my buttons today..." I elaborate, trailing off towards the end. "Can we please just drink and catch up with you? How was your honeymoon?"

He blushes a bit.

My brother never blushes.

"Well it was wonderful, maybe a little too wonderful..."

a/n: finny boi be backkkk. how we feeling about that?

what is Violet hiding? 🤭

tell me a secret and I'll reveal one of mine in the next chapter.

Love you bubbies 💕

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