The Party's Over

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Song - Overwhelmed by Royal & the Serpent

"Violet stop!" Cat shouts, her voice echoing down the hall.

I stop in my tracks and slowly turn to face her. "What could you possibly say to make this better?" I snap at her.

"Two things actually, I told Landon he was a dick for even thinking that you'd sleep with a teacher because up until thirty seconds ago I thought I knew you. To a point I still do, I've never even heard you talk about being interested in someone until you brought up Billie. I know that you wouldn't have accidentally name dropped her if she wasn't important to you... Violet, I'm not going to tell anyone, your secret is safe with me. Plus I may or may not have lied to Dean Collins when she asked if you were staying in the dorms." She confesses lightly biting her lip.

"You lied for me? I-... why would you do that?" I ask a little taken aback.

"Because I know you would have had my back if I were standing where you are now. Plus I'm pretty sure Landon was using me to get to you..." she explains.

Before I can question her, she's disappeared into the room, leaving me standing there more confused than I already was. I honestly don't even know what to do right now. Do I stay here? Do I go home? Fuck I really hope this doesn't get out. I can't have my parents finding out about me and Billie.


Shit, I haven't called her. I need to warn her about what's going on. I pat myself down looking for my phone. Shit, I left it at home. Which reminds me, I need to get my stuff from her house until this blows over. I can't have a trace of me even remotely close.

"Hey Violet!"


*Billie's POV*

"I've called her I don't know how many times Finn! I'm in so much fucking shit right now, how could I have been so fucking stupid! I can barely keep it together dealing with your and now I have this on top of it!" I rant, completely tired of everything.

"Billie, just breathe. Maybe her phone died or she left it at home. Violet isn't stupid, she's not going to let anyone find anything. Just chill..." he says trying to calm me down.

"East said than done dude." I glare at him.

He raises his hands in defense. To be fair, I'm not mad at him. I'm not mad at Violet either. Hell, I'm not even mad at myself for falling in love with her. I'm just mad people can't mind their own business.

I take a deep breath and sigh. "I didn't mean to snap at you, I'm just not dealing with this well." I confess.

"It's cool Bil. I can always call Claudia to check up on her." He offers trying to diffuse the situation.

"Pretty please." I give him a pitiful pout.

"Stop pouting and I'll call her."


I sit and listen while Finneas calls Claudia. I shoot Violet a quick text letting her know that I'm worried about her and that Claudia is going to be in touch. They seemed to hit it off the last time they were together.

Finn nudges me. "Claudia is gonna stop by your house and see what's up. I'm sure she's fine." He tries consoling me.

"That article should NOT have gotten out, thankfully no one was named but they might as well have. I thought we were being careful, I mean I know I was careful, nobody saw me do anything." I go on ranting again.

"Why would they have reason to suspect anything?"

"That's the thing, I don't know. I didn't show her any favoritism during class. Now, outside of class, that's another story." I let out an exasperated sigh and stretch out on the couch.


I hadn't realized I fell asleep but I woke up to Hayden gently shaking me. "Bil, you've gotta get up."

I just groan in response.

"Bil, come on... you have sound check in half an hour." She shakes me again.

I don't bother responding.

I feel her hand gently tilt my head. "Please." She whispers into my ear. That gave me butterflies, and not just in my stomach. Oh no. No, no, no, no. I sit up and push her away in the process.

"I-... wasn't expecting that kind of response. Good to know you're still a sucker for manners. Sound check, be there."  She says, tossing me my phone before leaving the bus.

I unlock my phone and see Violet tried to get a hold of me.

Vi 💕
-hey, there's a tiny problem-
-more like a big problem...-
-but I don't want you to freak out-

-yeah, I'm fully aware of what the school is up to. Dean Collins emailed me about it...-

Vi 💕
-I got my bag from your place and I'm staying with cat in the dorm for now-
-at least until the investigation is over-
-I'm sorry-
-I'm so fucking sorry-

-it's not your fault my love, I chose to be in a relationship with you. I signed up for the good days, the bad days, and everything in between-
-did Claudia get in touch with you?-

Vi 💕
-she drove me back to campus, so your car is at home-

-okay baby, just breathe and take things one task at a time.-
-I'll talk to you after the set-
-I love you-

I slide my phone into my pocket and head inside the venue for another night of this seemingly endless party. Except, I'm not having fun anymore.

a/n: what do we think about this?

How is everyone's day? Have you had enough water? Did you eat today? Do you need a hug?

I lub you bubbies 💕

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