Jokes On Me

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It's been two days of getting the silent treatment from Violet. Although deep down part of me feels as though I deserve it.

You do.

I roll into lecture a little late. "Sorry for being late, I've had a shit morning so don't test me." I state, looking douche bag Kyle right in the eyes.

"Today's lecture we will be discussing body language, I realize this isn't on the syllabus but I feel like it's an important point to discuss in this class. We often see the word behavior associated with things outside of the norm in regards to things we don't want people expressing but we haven't discussed observing non-verbal behaviors. Can anyone give me an example of a non-verbal cue or explain differences in body language and how we perceive it?" I pose the question to my class.

I get a few decent answers... crossing ones arms over ones chest, specific hand gestures, posture, etc.

I show my students a video of identical twins standing side by side. "Now, which one of them seems more open and outgoing?"

All of them point to the one on the left.

"Does anyone know why?"

They can't quite put their fingers on why and part of me loves watching my students squirm in uncomfortable silence. I smirk and give in. "It's because the twin on the left is chewing gum. Most professionals will say that chewing gum is bad for an image, but has been proven otherwise with this study from 2013. Which goes to show that we subconsciously pick up on the smallest bits of body language and translate it in an instant. So, what do we do when we give off the wrong vibes with body language? How do we correct it?"

I see Violet raise her hand, but I don't call in her right away. Please, literally anyone else...

"Miss Adams."

"The first step is to be made aware of said body language, you could go on to study how others would pose in different situations but I feel as though that would just turn into acting like someone you're not if you're basing your actions on how someone else would respond." She snaps at me. "Or better yet, you could just live with the fact you gave off said body language in every respect that it was intended for."

The tension in the room is palpable. I swallow the lump in my throat, hoping no one caught on to Violet's veiled jab at me.

"You make a very good point Miss Adams. It could be considered acting up to a point, but this class is called behavior modification for a reason. It will give you the tools to reinforce behaviors you want to see as well as the tools to deal with behaviors you don't." I say addressing the class.

The alarm on my watch goes off. Thank goodness, I'm so done with today already.

"That's time for today, be sure to read the Science Daily article I sent out this morning. That will be the discussion topic of next lecture." I announce.

I pack up my bag and head to my office to see Violet waiting for me. She leans up against the wall as I unlock my door.

"Billie I'm s-" she starts but I cut her off.

"Don't. I have lunch plans with my brother today, I don't have time to talk." I say as I open my door reaching in just enough to grab her duffel bag and locking my office back up, dropping her bag at her feet. "Here's your bag."

I hate being cold and callous, but I don't have time for games anymore. I love Violet, I really do. Part of me feels guilty that some of those feelings came back when I saw Hayden, but the heart is a fickle thing.


I pull up to the address my brother sent me. Interscope Records. I grab the bag of take out I picked up on the way and head inside.

"Yo Bil!" I hear Finneas' voice call out.

"Aye goober!" I reply giving him a big grin.

"Hey I've got a meeting in like 15 with a prospective artist, you can sit in if you want." He informs me as we lounge in the conference room, breaking into our food.

"Sure sure. I'm free for the rest of the day. Speaking of, it's been a shit day... correction, a shit week so far." I say with a sigh.

"Oh? Tell me about it."

I spill the tea on how Violet and I ran into Hayden at the grocery, her statement that I 'settled' for her, and the fact that I couldn't ignore feeling torn inside. "Oh and get this, in class today, she raises her hand to answer a question and basically sends me a gut punch with her response." I explain, not realizing what I've just confessed.

My brother chokes on his food.

"Did you just say during class?"


"Are you seriously dating a student? Billie..." He lets out a frustrated groan.

"Look, I of all people know it isn't an ideal situation to be in-" I start but I'm cut off by an intern.

"Mr. O'Connell, your 12:30 appointment is here." She says, letting a dark haired woman in.

You've got to be kidding me.

a/n: which team do you ship? 👀

I lub you bubs 💕

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