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Song - Trauma by NF

I hear the door slam shut and it sends a searing pain through my skull. "Remind me to never drink that much again." I groan out. "My head is killing me."

"Well it's a good thing I come bearing the ultimate hangover essentials." She says holding up a massive brown paper bag. She plops down on my bed and starts to unpack it. "Take two of these and down some water, then food." She instructs. I do as I'm told because I can't turn down free food.

As I take a bite of food, I feel my phone buzz under my thigh.

-hey, I miss your pretty face-
-I'm also sorry I didn't tell you sooner...-

-it's fine-
-I haven't exactly been showering you with attention-

I toss my phone to my side. I'm still not ready to deal with this. I need to get through this week before spring break. Hell, I don't even know if I want to see her over break. Part of me wants to smother her in affection but the other part of me just wants to be left alone.

I take another bite of food and Cat and I just eat in blissful silence. The pounding in my head slowly starts to subside.

"Hypothetically speaking, if you were seeing someone and they were spending a lot of time with their ex, how would you handle it?" I ask her breaking the silence.

She ponders my question for a moment, her brows slightly furrowed. "Well... I'd probably talk to my significant other about it. That's kind of a tough spot because they have a history with their ex but they're building a life with you. It's not cool for them to make you question where you stand with them, but it also might come off as you being insecure about not trusting them."

"But I am feeling insecure. I feel like all of her old feelings for her ex are coming back because they're on tour right now." I let out a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry for venting."

"Vi, it's okay. That's what I'm here for. Hell, you listened to me bitch about douchebag Kyle when I was dating him." She says pulling me into a hug.

I can't help but snort to stifle a giggle. "I still can't believe you dated him."

"Well, he was toxic but the sex was good. Apparently Landon has that in common with him."

"I-... ew." I fake being completely grossed out.

"Oh don't even, Miss I-Have-No-Filter-When-I'm-Drunk. I practically had to duct tape your mouth shut last night because you nearly dropped the bomb about Billie being your girlfriend and how good she fucked." She says before taking the last bite of her food.

"Again, remind me not to drink again."


I head down to the micro lab and pull my samples. EMB plate 1 is still a dark red but the EMB plate 2 turned green. Which means that one of the unknowns is E. Coli. The other colony selected was a reddish pink, I assumed it was Serratia mercescens but I confirmed with both a catalase and nitrate reduction tests. I write up my final test results and conclude my findings in my lab report.

I close my laptop and head to Dr. Lucas' office. I knock on the door and enter upon hearing 'come in' from the other side. "What can I help you with today Miss Adams?" He asks twirling his pen between his fingers.

"I wanted to confirm my results before submitting my report." I explain.

"Sure, you had vial 17 correct?"

"Yes sir."

He goes down the list and then looks at me. "Your findings?"

I adjust the strap on my shoulder. "Oh, I believe it's E. coli and Serratia."

"You would be correct. Be sure to document the steps you took throughly." He says pointing his pen at me.

"I will, thank you." I give him a small smile.

"So just out of curiosity, is the rumor true?" He questions.

"I-... excuse me?" I furrow my brow confused.

"Ya know, O'Connell, you..." his voice trailing off.

"No it's not. That's why it's called a rumor Evan." I snap at him.

He narrows his eyes clearly pissed that I used his first name. "I wanted to offer extra credit..." he explains, leaning back in his chair, eyeing me suspiciously.

His gaze makes me feel sick, like he's undressing me with his eyes, and I want nothing more than to leave his office.


Red lights.

Blue lights.

Red lights.

Blue lights.

Cages on windows.

Steel encasing wrists.

Spitting vile words.

I want to shrink away and disappear. I want to claw away at my skin. I feel someone's hand touch my shoulder and I automatically flinch. The female officer gives me a knowing look, like she's seen this kind of thing more times than she cares to. Like she's seen...

I can't even bring myself to think the word, the bile in my stomach threatens to come up. I can't help but puke up the contents of my stomach, the officers hand rubbing my back in an attempt to soothe me.

Once I've finished heaving, the only words I can process are hospital, kit, photos...

I don't want anyone seeing me right now. Especially not like this. Logically she's right, I should follow protocol. My irrational brain is screaming no but my feet carry me to the back of her cruiser. Once the door shuts I look out of the window to see Dean Collins giving me a sad gaze as she talks to another officer. At this point I don't care if I graduate or get expelled, I don't care if she finds out about Billie.

Fuck. Billie can't find out about this.

There's no way of avoiding it though the local news is going to have a field day. Panic starts to set in and flashbacks flood my mind.

The fear.

The confusion.

The unwanted hands on my skin.

The screaming.

The pain.

The minutes that felt like hours.

Everything around me going from red to blue.

Red lights.

Blue lights.

Red lights.

Blue lights.

a/n: this isn't necessarily where I wanted to go with it, but there it is. How are we feeling today bubbies?
I love you bubs 💕

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