Count The Imperfections

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Song - For What It's Worth by Kygo feat. Angus and Julia Stone

*Billie's POV*

Two days.

I finally get to see my girl in two days. But I am savoring the down time I have today. I tinker with the keys on the piano on stage just making stuff up as I go. I even start to hum along muttering a few lyrics here and there.

"Sounds good Eilish!" I hear Hayden's voice from side stage.

My hands freeze and I stop playing. "Yeah.. thanks."

She joins me on stage and sits with her legs crossed and pulls out her sketchbook. She nods and gestures for me to keep going. So I do, humming a melody and occasionally figuring out what fits and what doesn't.


I miss Violet. I miss waking up to her every morning, seeing her eyes flutter open only for a moment just after I kiss her forehead and pull her closer. I miss going on cute little dates just to get away for awhile. I miss the way her lips felt on mine, the goosebumps she gave me even when her hand would brush against mine. Or that almost smug look she'd give me when I let her have the smallest bit of control. It drove me wild. I miss the way her eyes would sparkle when she talked about something that excited her, and the way they'd slightly change color with the sun, the way she'd lazily put her hair in a bun just to get it out of the way while she studied... I miss my girl.

I'm snapped from my thoughts when I feel a hand on my shoulder. "You ok?" Hayden asks.

"Yeah, no I'm fine. Saturday can't get here soon enough, I miss Violet." I say as I cover the keys. "I'm gonna head back to my room."

Without waiting for an answer, I leave her on stage, alone.


I've been staring at the ceiling above my bed for the past hour. I had wanted to take a nap, ya know recharge and shit. Insomnia had other plans. I let out an exasperated sigh and grab my phone to see a notification from Violet. The time stamp says it's from this morning, I feel bad that I hadn't seen it until now. Wait, why was she up at 3am?

-I'm glad this week is nearly over, two more days to go-

-you got this baby!-
-also whyyyy tf were you awake so early, shouldn't you get a good nights sleep before an exam?-

-too late, I took my last midterm. It's officially spring break-

-yayyy!! That means I get to see your cute ass in two days!-

-yeah... about that.-

-what's going on?-

-I'm not coming home for spring break, a coworker called in sick and I have to cover the holiday shift-

-be safe.-
-I love you.-

-you too-

I have no words to describe how I'm feeling right now. I had Danny rearrange my tour schedule just so I could spend a bit of time with her and now she's not even coming. Angry? No. Sad? No. Definitely not happy. Disappointed? That's the one.

-tell your brother I'll leave two all access tickets at the front gate for him and a friend-

I turn my phone off, not wanting to have any social interaction for awhile.


*Violet's POV*

I lied to Billie and I'm regretting it with every second that passes. I lied to my parents too. I don't wanna face anyone right now. Some of the bruises have started to fade, some have gotten a little darker. I slowly run my hand over the one on my neck, my fingers shaking as I do. I close my eyes and I can see that night replaying in my mind over and over.

There's a knock on the door. "You good in there Vi?" I hear Cat ask, concern lacing her voice.

"Yeah I'll be out in a sec." I quickly pull a hoodie on covering all of my previous exposed skin. The only thing visible is my face, and even that isn't all that appealing right now.

I open the door and collapse onto Cat's bed. "You don't have to stay here with me, you should go see your family..."

"They saw me over Christmas break, they can survive another five weeks until graduation." She says nudging me with a smile. "Besides who am I gonna get wine drunk and make fun of shitty movies with?"

"Fair enough, can we not stay on campus though?"

Cat raises her brow. "What did you have in mind?"

"Well the investigation has been nullified which means I can move my shit back into Billie's. I just need more time to process things before I see her."

"Say no more. Shitty movie night has been moved to Billie's."

My phone buzzes and I half expect it to be Billie asking me what's wrong, but it's not.

-Call me ASAP, you have a lot of explaining to do-

a/n: do you ever just sit there and think about the future and how in six months things could be drastically different. I'm not talking about Covid (yes that was a drastic change) but you're transitioning from one part of your life and opening up a whole new chapter, and it's scary and exciting all at the same time?? That's me right now. I graduated college, I have an interview lined up, and I don't know... I finally feel like I'm becoming an adult. Like and adultier adult, that still needs guidance from time to time.

Sorry for the rambling.

Stay safe.
I love you bubbies 💕

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