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This fucker better answer his phone. I pace back and forth waiting for Andrew to pick up.

"Hey..." Drew drags out.

"Did I read that right?" I ask him.

He lets out a sigh before continuing. "Yes V, you did."

"You're telling me that my homophobic brother who decided to degrade me by calling me a slit licker, is coming out to me?"

"V, I'm sorry..." he pleads with me.

I can tell he means it. "Thanksgiving break is next week, you have until then to come up with a plan on how to make things right with me. Also, don't worry about me telling mom or dad, you didn't out me so I'm not outing you."

"Thanks..." he mutters out.

"See you next week goober."  I say, trying to joke with him.

As frustrated as I am with my brother, I do still love him and I know it's not easy coming to terms with who you are as a person. We say our goodbyes, hang up and I make my way back into the room.

"Sorry, that was my brother." I say as I sit next to her on the floor, resuming our girls night festivities.

"So.." Cat starts. "Who's Bil?"

Fuck, I regret asking her to check my phone. "Bil is just a friend from one of my classes." I say nonchalantly, trying to avoid the topic.

Cat just nods in response and returns her attention to the current movie, which lets me know that I'm in the clear. I pull my phone from my pocket and check to see what Billie said.

-you weren't in class today-

-yeah, I was taking a mental health day-

-are you ok?-

-yeah I'm fine, just spending some time with Cat-

-ok, do you need me to bring you anything?-

-I think we're good-

-it's too quiet here without you-

-I can imagine... look nothing against you but I just need some space-
-I had some family stuff come up that I need to deal with so, I probably won't see you until after thanksgiving break-

-yeah sure, thanks for letting me know-

I realize that might not be what she wanted to hear, but it's the truth. I like her, a lot, but I need to focus on more important things like fixing the relationship with my brother. Hell, I need to apologize for the things I said to him. I search for a flight back home.

"Hey Cat?" I say getting her attention while raking my fingers through her hair.


"Can you take me to the airport Monday night?"

"Sure babe, what time?"

"10:30, I'm catching the red eye back home." I tell her.

Part of me is excited to see my family, the other part of me wishes I could just stay here. For once, I'm actually dating someone during holiday season. I wonder what Billie's family is like during the holidays.

The week drags on, and Billie has been giving me space. A little too much space if I'm being honest, she rarely looks my way during class and she's been scarce to reply to any form of communication. Thankfully my last class of the day is hers, so far I've spent it staring out of the window like I normally do with my other classes. It's not like she'd notice anyways. Soon enough class is over and I'm just ready to get the hell home.

"Miss Adams, a word please." I hear Billie say behind me.

I sigh and turn on my heel. "Yes?"

"Please don't make it a habit of not paying attention during class. Also, friendly reminder that I do take into account participation." she says without looking at me.

"Excuse me?" I ask baffled.

"I didn't think I stuttered, don't make me repeat myself." she says with a raised brow. It's as if she's questioning why I'm still standing here when she's the one who needed to speak to me.

I cross my arms over my chest. If she wants to be a dick, fine. "Is there anything else you needed from me?" I ask, annoyance dripping from my tone.

"No you're free to go." she waves me off.

"Have a nice break Miss O'Connell."


After many grueling hours on a cramped plane, I finally lay eyes on my brother waiting for me. He wraps me in a hug that makes everything bad melt away.

"I'm sorry for the things I said V." he mutters into my hair.

"I'm sorry too." I mutter back.

It's nice for a moment, and then he's back to his goofball self with one minor change, he's got 'the look'.

"Okay you've gotta tell me about him." I tell him tossing my bag into the backseat as I climb into his Jeep.

"How do you even know?!" he groans out.

"I just do, now spill!"

After he practically gushes about his boy toy, I feel like I need to tell him about my life. This is the first time we've actually spoken for more than a couple minutes since the semester started.

"Well Ryland sounds really sweet. Also if you wanna get away with him staying the night while I'm here, you could always just tell mom and dad that I'm dating him, he could stay in your room..." I say giving him a wink.

"You'd really cover for me?"

"Duh, provides you keep what I'm about to tell you a secret." I bargain with him, holding out my pinky.

"Deal." he replies, locking his pinky with mine.

"I've been seeing someone too..."

a/n: have you ever just been unexplainably happy? I mean I have many reasons to be happy at the moment, but it's just something I want to cherish while it lasts.

Maybe it's because even though Rona has screwed up a lot of my plans, it also made me feel something I didn't know I was capable of. It's challenged me in so many good ways, and given me the perspective to see that not everything is bad.

Keep pushing and striving to find what sets your soul on fire, and when you find it, don't ever let it go. Stay safe, stay hydrated, and know that I love you bubbies! 💕

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