Moments of Wonder

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Song: Leave A Light On - Tom Walker

Our cute moment is interrupted by Billies phone ringing.

"It's my brother, I should take this." She says answering the call and Finn's face fills her screen.

"Hey! I had hoped I'd timed that right, I've missed seeing your annoying face everyday." He jokes with her.

"Yeah yeah, how's the east coast treating you?" She says, standing and wandering down the bleachers.

I take this moment to admire how the sun hits her face, making her eyes sparkle. The shades of blue that intertwine with one another make it look as though the deepest parts of the ocean reside in her eyes and I could spend a lifetime getting lost in them.

My shoulder shrugs involuntarily, meaning my tics have yet to finish, but they're less severe around Billie. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair, giving a frustrated tug to my roots. Why can't I just be normal?

I focus my attention back to Billie and see a huge grin on her face. It's sweet seeing her get excited over her brothers accomplishments. I take out my phone and snap a quick picture, the gesture goes unnoticed and I smirk to myself.

Moments later Billie sits back down next to me. "What's that cocky grin for Violet?" She says nudging my side.

"Just observing." I say in a hushed tone, hoping she doesn't pry too much. She doesn't need to know I was practically eye fucking her.

Billie raises a brow. "Oh? Anything in particular?"

I raise my hand to touch my finger to the spot in between her brows, slowly dragging it down the bridge of her nose, over the tip and pulling my hand away. "That cute little button nose of yours. That, plus I really wanna kiss you right now... but I can't."

"Do you have any other classes today?" She asks and I shake my head 'no'.

She takes my hand and we're off to some destination unknown to me. The drive is fairly quiet with the exception of the radio playing softly, her hand resting on my thigh. I take her hand and flip it over, gliding my fingers up her arm and gently lacing my fingers in between hers. She gives my hand a squeeze and I look over, catching a glimpse of a subtle smirk tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Billie where are we going?" I ask rubbing my thumb in small circles against her hand.

Instead of giving me an answer she just points. I look ahead and see the sign for the local science museum.


"Before you argue, I just wanted to say that yes, what happened between me and Hayden was wrong and I should have known better. I realize that's a lot to dump on you right when you get home from break but I didn't want to keep it from you any more. Since you had a tough day, I thought we could blow off some steam and have a little fun seeing how nerdy shit works." She says giving me that sexy, cocky grin.

She's thoughtful.

I raise my hand and trail it along her jawline, pulling her into a kiss. I absentmindedly tangle my hand in her hair at the nape of her neck, tugging a little harder than I mean to, eliciting a moan from her mouth. I fight my natural instinct to apologize for hurting her, hearing that sweet moan just makes me feel some sort of way.

I pull away, my nose barely brushing against hers. "What was that?" I ask out of curiosity.

"That was the slightest bit of control that I let you have over me. There are more places on my body that make me weak, have fun finding the rest of them." She says before kissing me and taking my bottom lip between her teeth, tugging ever so slightly.

I close my eyes and it takes everything in me not to moan in response. I feel her hand slide up my thigh, stopping just below where I want her most. I hear the car door shut and I open my eyes to see Billie walking over to my side. She opens the door and gives me a goofy smile. It's moments like this where she's so unbelievably sweet and caring that make me feel wanted and desired.

The next two hours are grueling, not because I'm not enjoying myself. Quite the opposite actually. I've loved seeing Billie's reactions on how things work. The sheer awestruck expression on her face over little wonders made this date worth it. Wait, is this a date? I mean she did pay for it. I actually haven't paid for anything in awhile...

My thoughts are interrupted by the feeling of Billie's hand subtly grazing my ass for the millionth time. Instead of just a graze, this time she grabs my ass cheek hard, making me let out a yelp. I smack my hand over my mouth, hella embarrassed at the noise I just let out. I can feel my cheeks heating up rapidly. I swear if we weren't in public, I'd be begging her to fuck me.

Billie lets out a chuckle and gives me a knowing wink. I roll my eyes and let out and exasperated huff.

"What's got you so bothered babygirl?" She quips as she wraps her arms around my waist from behind.

I lean my head back against her shoulder. "You do." I confess, my hand gripping her hand and trailing it farther down.

Billie catches on quick and nips at my neck. "Not here. When we get home I'll take care of you." She says raking her nails up my thigh.


I don't know how much more of this teasing I can take.

a/n: I cannot tell you, how great my vacation was. I needed it. Worth every penny spent, worth every mile flown, worth so much more than I can express.

Where is somewhere you've always wanted to travel?

What's something on your bucket list?

Thank you for being patient with me, I love you bubbies! 💕💕

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