Sugar Honey Iced Tea

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*Billie's POV*

The moment those words flew out of my mouth, I was simultaneously elated yet full of regret. Elated because she did exactly as she was told. Regretful because she's my student, and I wish that she wasn't.

Stop it Billie. You're an adult.

So is she.

I let out a sigh and unclench my fists that I hadn't realized were balled up in my lap. "Sorry I haven't had the best morning." I lie through my teeth before putting a smile on my face and I see Violet's countenance relax.

"I know that feeling all too well." she says trailing off as her gaze wanders to anywhere but my eyes.

"Care to elaborate?" I press as I walk to the other side of my desk and hop up to sit on it.

Her head snaps in my direction and her eyes meet mine but only for a moment. "N-no." she stutters out.

"Let me rephrase..." I say standing up only to kneel in front of her. "Tell me what's on your mind Violet." I order her, tipping her chin up with my forefinger. When I see her eyes, I can see the sadness in them. It's like she can tell that I see her vulnerable side, because her eyes go dark and she gets defensive.

"I said, no." she says with confidence this time.

"Very well, in that case I'm just letting you know I'm not cutting you any slack this semester Miss Adams. You're free to go." I tell her as I stand up making myself busy, trying to control my urges.

The moment I hear my office door close I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

Don't do anything you're going to regret Billie.


*Violet's POV*

I don't walk, I run to my dorm. Silently thankful Cat isn't here. I pace back and forth anxiously biting my thumb nail. I've never had anyone talk to me the way that she did. It was hella inappropriate for her to snap at me like that, but- deep down, part of me enjoyed it?

I finally felt something besides empty. Like, when she looked into my eyes she saw the darkest parts of my soul and instead of shying away, she embraced them.

I was terrified not of her, but of myself. It's part of my nature to go against authority, and most of the time people don't challenge me. At least, not in the way that she does. She's a whole different breed.

I shouldn't be attracted to such a magnetic personality like hers... but that's the problem. It's so unbelievably magnetic. First week of classes and I can't keep my eyes off of her. Her presence is just so, commanding.

"Seems like you're deep in thought."

I jump at the sound of Cat's voice. "Girl, you scared the shit out of me." I tell her with a small giggle.

"Ooo the random giggle is a new development... you have tea. Spill it." she says tossing her bag on the floor and sitting cross legged on her bed, waiting for me to tell her what's on my mind.

"Ugh I hate you." I groan out. "You know me too well."

She throws her pillow at me. "Girl, I've been your roommate for 3 years. I know I'm not here all the time, but I do know you better than you think. Now, stop stalling and spill it."

I hold up my hands on defense. "Okay fine. Um, I met someone recently and let's just say they have a very 'interesting' personality to say the least. They had me feeling some kind of way today." I confess trying to remain as vague as possible.

Although knowing Cat, she wouldn't be one to judge me for having a slight attraction to one of my professors. She, herself has had many after class meetings to 'talk' about extra credit opportunities.

"Interesting in what way?" she questions me.

My cheeks heat up at the thought of not only the way Billie looked at me, but her tone of voice she used with me today. "Very, what's the word... commanding, I guess you could say."

"Ahem ma'am, are you blushing right now?" she says teasing me. I cover my face at her words and she continues. "No way... I have never seen you blush like this over anything or anyone."

I let out a heavy sigh. "Well, to be honest, I haven't felt anything in a long time, let alone this feeling." I tell her.

Which is true. The small interaction between us, even though her voice was assertive and she meant what she said, especially when she was kneeling in front of me, I felt...




A small part of me wanted her to push past the walls I had built up. The other part of me said 'don't you dare do that'. Don't let her in.

a/n: I literally almost typed a very inappropriate response to a text in my authors note... thankfully I caught myself. 😬 on another note, has anyone ever sent something they didn't mean to??

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