chap 06

21 1 1

Outside Green Day - Louis' House

   "Tim Tim.." I chuckle lightly, digging the barrel into his skull more now that Annabelle is out of the way. His face turns to the side as it hits against the wall, a grunt escaping him slightly as he tries to weasel his way out.

I'm stronger than he is though as I push my free hand against his back, holding him there. He definitely won't be getting away with this after what we heard him saying to Annabelle.

It took all of two seconds for us to get out of the car and over to him after what we heard—dumbass didn't see us coming till it was too late.

Our minds and his fate were both already made up by then.

"Now what to do with you.." I tsk, Annabelle crying loudly behind me in Louis' arms. I look over towards the other two men, James and Patrick, "and what to do with you two. Got any ideas boys?"

"Seems like killing them is our best bet, innit?" Niall chuckles, holding a knife close to James' neck which causes a violent cry from him.

They're just as scared as Annabelle was.

I barely know the girl and hearing her cries for help struck a chord inside of me. Its been two weeks since the first time we met, and yet I still find myself doing things for her that I wouldn't do for anyone else. It's disgusting.

These men showed no mercy to her, who knows what they would've done to the poor girl had we not showed up. I'll show them just as much mercy as they did her.

"Annabelle," Timmy speaks frantically to her, causing her to cry even harder into Louis' chest, "please come on. You can't let me die. Don't let them kill me. You're better than that—please, Annabelle."

"Hey!" I push the gun against his head harder, "Shut the fuck up. Don't even try to fucking speak to her right now."

He tries again, "Annabelle, I promise you I tried to stop Jacob. I liked you. I hated what he did to you, but I couldn't stop him—I just couldn't." His words are laced with lies.

I look over my shoulder at Louis, nodding my head for him to take her into the car. I look back at Timmy as he struggles, Annabelle reluctantly getting into the car.

I know that she knows we're going to kill the three of them and since she's better than any of us, she doesn't want them to die. She would never want anyone to die.

The only thing I can't understand is why they targeted her.

It could've been an easy catch, but the name Jacob was brought up—and I'm plenty familiar with Jacob. Aversion, the gang that all four of these men find themselves inside, would never allow an unfamiliar target.

It draws too much attention to them.

If Annabelle was affiliated with Jacob Teagan—that must be the reason she's being targeted. I can only assume what the dickbag did to her, it must be why she doesn't sleep at night and cries all the time.

Patrick speaks up, pleading for his life with a mouthful of lies. "This was all Timmy's idea—James and I will tell you anything you want to know. Just don't kill us."

"You bloody liar!" Timmy yells, thrashing around angrily, "He knows nothing! For God's sake, he's a fucking idiot!"

"Any last words, Timmy?" I whisper lowly, my finger pushing down on the trigger more and more as each second passes.

None of these men have anything to give me and frankly I hold too much resentment towards them to even care for what they have to say. Their words are going in one ear, out the other.

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