chap 26

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The House

    Jacob Teagan was average-looking, for lack of better words. He wasn't ugly in any manner and most found him rather attractive, but he wasn't the type you'd spot out of the middle of the crowd.

The only two who would were Louis and Annabelle. And Annabelle was the only one who would recognize him in the backyard.

Her gaze was set out on the woods, enjoying the low dull of other conversations with the breeze against the tree. She was thankful for Harry's jacket, it was offering a blanket of warmth over her.

A blanket of warmth. A blanket of comfort. Anything he seemed to do or offer seemed to take over her every sense. He took her over completely.

Annabelle smiled at the thought of him, finishing off her beer and setting it on the table in front of the small couch. It buzzed through her veins, like she was on the edge of tipsy.

The last time she drank was with Beatrice.

She wondered where Finn was—it was taking him a long time to get her a new one. It was nice to talk to him. They had similar interests and he had no predetermined opinion of her.

It was new. It was nice.

Just as she went to turn around to look for Harry or Finn, she heard his voice.

"Here's your beer," something cold pressed up against Annabelle's temple, and immediately she knew it wasn't Finn's doing.

A hand slapped over her mouth quickly, Jacob looking over his shoulder to make sure no one saw him. He was wearing Finn's clothes, having stolen them, so if they did look now it would just appear to them that Finn was leaning over her.

They would not know of the terror consuming Annabelle's body more and more by the second. Her heart was racing faster than it ever had and she could already feel the urge to cry.

"Now, don't scream, pretty girl. You really couldn't tell it was me? I never would've let you drink." Jacob cooed, but he knew she was too afraid to do anything of the sort, "Don't make me have to shoot that curly headed boy I know you're so fond about."

Annabelle didn't say anything, simply nodding along with his terms. She didn't want Harry getting hurt, and looking over slightly at Jacob's attire, she knew someone already had.

Keeping the gun pointed at her head, he traveled around the side of the couch and sat next to her. "Now, I was really hoping you'd never move on from me. I mean, can you blame me? You were head over heels for me."

"Not anymore," Annabelle replied through gritted teeth, "I'd never love you ever again. And I hate the fact that I ever did."

"Oh, stop lying," Jacob rolled his eyes, "we both know you find me irresistible. Is that why you and H-Bomb haven't gotten together yet? You're still not over me?"

Annabelle clenched her eyes shut, "I've been over you for a long time, Jacob."

"Aw," he frowned, "Beatrice said you still called me J. Guess not so over me, huh?"

"Please don't hurt anyone here, Jacob." Annabelle dismissed his comment about Beatrice, "This is my birthday party, and these are my friends. I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt them, please."

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