chap 28

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The House

I could still feel Annabelle's hand in mine as she entered the room and spoke to Jacob. The rage and jealousy that filled me was undeniable and Cooper patted my back a couple of times, trying to make me feel better.

There was nothing that could make me feel better though besides for her being out of that room and with me.

Away from her abusive ex.

"You can't even look at me?" He tries to guilt her, "Well?" His eyes flicker to what I did to him, "Do you see what your darling Harry did now? This is what Deimos does. They're murderers. They beat people to pu—"

Sophie scoffs, making Cooper and I realize that Niall and her have joined us. "That's the opposite of what Deimos does."

"Unless it's deserved." Cooper points out.

"You beat me to a pulp." I can hear how hard this is for Annabelle in her voice, "If Harry's the one who did this, then it was deserved either way. You look exactly like how I used to when you wanted to get 'your anger out'."

Jacob doesn't reply to her.

Annabelle continues angrily, "Do you do this to her? Do you do this to your new girlfriend? Or was it just me? Was I the only one who deserved it?"

"Oh, my poor baby." Sophie comments again and I glare at her for her continuous interruption. She raises her hands in surrender.

Her eyes are filled with empathy for Annabelle. Despite my annoyance towards her right now, I'm thankful that Louis introduced them.


Jacob let's her glare at him for a second before answering, "You want the truth? It was only you, but not by choice."

Annabelle scoffs, "Not by choice? Jacob, I loved you. You made the choice to slap me. To punch me. To beat me. That was your choice — all I ever did was love you."

I swallow down my anger and the hurt I feel from just hearing what she had to go through. It's horrible. How can someone do that to her? How could he do that?

Every single time I think about this anger inside of me grows and grows and grows. I've never felt anger like this before.

I shake my head and listen to his words.

"How the hell do you think I got into Aversion, babe? I did what Ekerd wanted, and he wanted you beaten. Just be happy I didn't exactly follow his orders because he wanted you to watch people die from the second I started hitting you."

"What, does he want some kind of award for only beating the shit out of her at first?" Niall laughs, shaking his head at the ridiculousness of Jacob.

Jacob continues, "I still love you, Annabelle. I always have. That's why I broke up with you. I didn't want to hurt someone I loved anymore. I wanted you to be safe."

What is wrong with him?

I want nothing more than to barge in that door right now and punch him in the face. He can't actually believe that Annabelle would fall for this. It's obviously just a ploy.

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