chap 24

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The House Away from Home

    When Harry and I return, people are running around the house like crazy. I can quickly assume we're now moving into the original house we planned to, and I can't help but be relieved. I hate this place, it feels unsafe.

"I'll text you if I find Louis," Harry departs, but I think I already see Louis.

There's a figure outside on the patio, leaning over the railing as he smokes a cigarette. Louis only does it when he wants to get some emotion out — and it seems today he has a lot of that.

I frown, hating that my choices are making him feel this way. But they're my choices. I'm doing things on my own terms.

I felt so afraid of relationships after Jacob—relationships of any sort. And then, Harry came into my life, and as cliche as it is, it feels like everything changed. It feels like someone actually likes me. Like someone actually cares.

He sits with me outside after nightmares. He'll come into my room at night to check that I'm okay. He makes sure to watch over me, to be there for me, without being too much.

Harry's just right. But, I haven't decided what he or I wants this to be.

It was just a kiss. And it changed everything. It opened up so many doors. Doors I never saw before.

Pulling the patio door open, Louis looks over his shoulder at me and confirms who he is. He doesn't say anything and faces forward again, and I close the door, but stay standing in front of it.

"Are you mad at me?"

Louis shrugs, dropping the cigarette and stomping it out. "A little."

I question again, "Why?"

"What do you mean 'why'? You know exactly why." Louis continues and turns to face me, "I don't like what you're doing with Harry. Did you just forget the things he said?"

"No, but he's trying to be better. He's getting better." I sigh, "It's my choice at the end of the day, Louis. I wish you could've just come to me and told me the things he said before creating a scene."

"And I wish you could've come to me before you fucked him, so I guess we both have things we wish could've happened." Louis shrugs and anger floods through me.

I scoff, "I didn't fuck him, Louis, we kissed and even if I did, I don't owe you that. This is my life, Louis. My life, my choices. I'm so sorry that me having fun for once and falling for someone again isn't what you want."

He shakes his head, "It's not that." but he doesn't explain further.

I cross my arms over my chest, "Then what is it? Why do you have to watch my every move and keep me in line? I don't need another parent, Louis."

"It's nothing," he shakes his head and tries to move past me, but I don't let him.

"No. Tell me." I stand my ground, "We're figuring this out right now. We need to figure this out. I don't know what changed with you when I mov—"

"I can't take another Jacob, okay!" Louis starts to yell out of a buildup of emotions, "I knew! I knew the whole time and I was too scared to do anything!"

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