chap 34

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Deimos Headquarters

      The amount of rage filling my body at the moment is more than I've ever experienced. It's more than I can handle. There's always a little bit of anger deep inside me, but right now, I feel like it's bursting out of every part of me.

I hate Elijah. I hate Elijah for knowing what I went through and still taking away the one thing he knows is most important to me.

The warehouse is empty when I slam through the doors. There's no lights on besides for the one inside our meeting room. That's how I know he's here.

I'm practically running to the stairs, only stopping for a moment to glance at the room underneath it. It just makes me more angry.

The second I reach the door, I don't even hesitate to swing it open. Elijah's the only one here, no Edgar, and he's not even phased by my quick, enraged entrance. His eyes are plastered on the window, looking down at the empty warehouse.

He doesn't look at me. I'm stopped in my tracks. I didn't think this far ahead, I didn't think about what my next move would be. I know Elijah's power, I can't attack him. And if I did, Deimos would fall into shambles.

My dad loved Deimos too much for me to do that.

"I assume she told you." Elijah speaks first, he's fixing the cuffs of his button down, his suit jacket missing.

I nod, though he can't see it. "Why would you ever do that to me? After all I've done for you. You're gonna send her in there, to a man trying to kill her, and won't let me do a thing to stop it."

He turns to me, rolling his eyes, "It's not just a man, Harry. It's her brother. She knows him best. And I know he won't kill her."

"And how would you know that, Elijah?"

He begins to walk away from me, to the other end of the room. His steps are slow, taken carefully yet nonchalantly at the same time. Elijah doesn't answer me for a while, reaching the furthest chair from me.

He grabs his suit jacket, putting it on with a slow whistle. The sound aggravates me. The way he doesn't care aggravates me. The way he's treated Annabelle aggravates me.

I repeat myself, with more emphasis. "How would you know that, Elijah?"

He faces me with his arms crossed over one another, sighing like he didn't want to tell me but has to. "You know I trust you, Harry."

"I know," I reply without hesitation.

Elijah and I have been through a lot together. I started here young, only a few years after he had. The last leader was his father, so most of us steered clear of Elijah in fear of having the leader know our every move through his son.

But, probably a year after when I first started, Elijah and I were put on a job together. I didn't think much about it, but everyone warned me to be careful. They warned me that the leader wanted to keep his eyes on me.

I knew he didn't. Because I was one of the best, and so was Elijah. So, of course, we were put together.

That was until his father was shot right in front of him, in the safety of their front lawn, along with his mother.

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