chap 15

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Louis' House

   I sipped on my beer, feeling the presence of four large men behind me as I scrolled through the house listings that could fit us. The Friday parties almost slipped my mind completely with the absence of them, but Louis was very adamant that the house needed the space for it. He was very adamant about most things that weren't necessary in life but needed to be necessary in his house.

"Plus we'll need a big space for your birthday party." He had added—something I was rather excited for despite everything going on. And despite my past thoughts on it. I was the most excited though that we'd be into whatever house we chose by tonight.

From what I was told, their 'boss' wanted everything to just be done and over with as quickly as possible. He offered to handle the negotiations and get them dealt with, while people were quite literally running through this house as we speak to pack it up for us.

Personally, I would've liked to help but I suppose actually picking a house comes first in the process. And I wouldn't really know how to pack most of the stuff Louis owns anyways.

And now—not even just for my safety—Niall, Cooper, and Harry had decided to move in with us full time. They enjoyed the big house far more than their tiny apartments.

The only bad thing about this all, to me, was that I would have to face my apartment and begin deciding what I wanted to keep and what wasn't even mine in the first place. Jacob had left a lot of his stuff and I had a lot of Beatrice's things.

I stopped scrolling, clicking on one house that was more beautiful than the one we were in but deeply resembled it. Louis wanted another one in the woods, preferably wooded again as well—basically a remake of the house he already owned.

"Look at this one." I instructed, knowing their attention was elsewhere as I zoomed in on the photo. It was an absolutely gorgeous house.

Cooper grinned widely, "Would you look at that damn staircase?" He whistled, leaning in too close for comfort

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Cooper grinned widely, "Would you look at that damn staircase?" He whistled, leaning in too close for comfort.

I swatted his arm, "You're going to hurt your eyes coming that close—back off, big guy."

He raised his hands in surrender, "Whatever you say, my majesty." He placed his hands down on my shoulders. Harry watched.

I rolled my eyes, turning around in my seat to look at Louis while removing Cooper's hands, "Well? What do you think?"

"Where is it?" He questioned, typing on his phone while looking between the phone screen and the computer screen.

"Essentially right across town - hidden again, but all the way on the other side." I scrolled down on the screen, "There's the address."

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