chap 01

82 2 0

Louis' House

The room was anything but silent inside, the constant buzz of chatter filling through my ears like an annoying ring of an alarm. I wanted something quiet at the moment: everyone inside this room was causing my head to already ache from a future headache.

My eyes were completely zoned out on the grey carpet that lay on Louis' floor, party trash surrounding the area it consumed. I could see Louis', Niall's, and Cooper's feet in my peripheral and there was conversation around me but I couldn't seem to hear what they were saying.

I didn't have the space inside my mind to concentrate on whatever they were saying. I was completely lost in another dimension and I knew nothing they were saying was memorable anyways.

Half the shit they said was useless. I wouldnt need to hear it even if I wanted to. And I didn't want to.

The television was alit with the MTV Music Channel replaying overplayed music videos, the same one repeating about every half hour. None of the music was good, but it was good enough to get people excited.

The party wasn't even huge, it was just a few work colleagues. Luckily, most of them would be leaving to greet those they left at home and only Cooper, Louis, and Niall would linger behind with me.

The four of us would probably migrate outside pretty soon and drink around the fire place. Eventually we'd each disperse to one of Louis' guest rooms and the never-ending cycle would come to a slow end alone.

It went the same way and I found myself itching for the night to end. The activities of the day were always much better than the ones occurring at night, which were dull and repetitive.

After the sixth time of repeating a cycle over and over, you start to get bored of it. At least during the day I get to do different things: not things I'd run home to tell my mother about, of course, but different nonetheless.

The day was a thrill.

Louis swatted at my skinny-jean clad leg, "Going outside, ya coming?"

"Let me grab a beer first," I replied, finally moving my eyes away from the boring carpet.

I wondered how long I had just been sitting on that couch. No one ever came up to me, they knew better. As I stood, stretching out my aching back, I took a view of the dirty living room. Louis' maid, Marie, would have a field day with this mess.

Who knew grown men didn't know what a fucking trash can was?

It seemed most of them had dispersed and if they hadn't, Louis wanted to head out anyways. Without them. They knew the routine as well as we did and by the time we came back in, they'd be long gone.

I headed towards the kitchen slowly, keeping a stern look on my face out of pure habit. Surprisingly, I passed almost no one on the way and found a decently clean kitchen. It definitely contrasted the living room I had just left, which was nice to see.

Maria would be happy.

I bent down and took ahold of a cold beer after opening the fridge door, exiting the kitchen swiftly after. The music still played from the television but it was quickly drowned out as I shut the patio door behind me.

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