chap 36

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Louis' New House

Today was the day.

Today was the day I saw my brother for the first time since our parents died.

Today was the day I saw the man who put me through hell and back at the hands of others.

Today was the day I saw the man who ruined my life.

Today was the day I got my revenge.

I woke up in a frenzy, shaking from nerves. I couldn't stop it, but I kept moving to try and distract myself. Harry was awake before me, having already left the room and I could hear the chatter of him and the others downstairs.

I wondered if they were nervous too.

Immediately, I took a long, long, long shower. One that I hoped would wash away my worries. One that would wash away my lack of confidence. I scrubbed my skin so hard I almost bled.

At one point, Sophie knocked on the bathroom door, asking, "Anna? Are you okay in there? The waters been running a long time."

In a rushed, worried voice that I couldn't hide, I practically yelled, "Just fine!"

I took another ten minutes after that before I got out of the shower and tried to pretend I didn't look like a wrinkly old woman. In an attempt to cure this, and keep myself busy, I put lotion on my entire body.


Then, I stared at my closet.

What do you wear when you have to go see your brother, who you thought was dead, but is really the reason your entire life has been shit and your parents are dead?

The answer I settled on being good enough: white shorts, a black tank top and one of Louis' flannels I still had. It was the first thing I saw and I didn't want to spend too much time on looking because then I'd never decide.

When I left the room, my hair was still wet, only mascara on my eyes with light blush on my cheeks. I was worried about how I looked. I don't know why, but I was.

I was worried about everything.

I didn't know Derek anymore. As much as I wanted to believe that I didn't think he'd hurt me, I didn't know him anymore.

Things changed. He changed. I changed. It was different now.

The two guards outside my door looked over at me, worry stricken faces. Or at least my mind imagined worry stricken faces. It just stressed me out even more.

Even the guards were worried for me.

I rushed away, not even offering a smile like I usually did. It didn't matter to them. They thought I'd be dead soon, I knew they did.

My feet were quick down the steps, suddenly needing lots and lots of air. This house felt like it was suffocating me. I needed out. I couldn't do it.

I started to tug on my clothes, feeling like they were too tight as I made it into the main area of the house. Everyone was in there—Harry, Cooper, Niall, and Sophie. There was even a housekeeper, sweeping around the room.

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