chap 22

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Deimos Headquarters

    My eyes scan around the room in silence, the training area surrounded by windows that show the rest of the warehouse floor

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    My eyes scan around the room in silence, the training area surrounded by windows that show the rest of the warehouse floor. This is Deimos — the place I wasn't supposed to know about.

The place that's now helping protect me, mostly to take Aversion down once and for all.

Numerous eyes stare right back at me, while Harry and Louis talk to their boss in a room above us all. I can see them through the window and Harry's eyes are on me as he talks to someone.

I'm not sure what to do, so I just stand here. Feeling the eyes of a thousand murderers.

There's two in particular who won't give up. A raven-haired girl who looks fierce — like she could beat me in a fight without even trying. And a blond man, with a gun in his waistband and a glimmer in his eyes.

I don't like the look of either of them. They're both very attractive, the type you don't forget about, but they look like they want something from me. They look like they both want trouble.

They stand together and take turns whispering in one another's ear, no doubt snickering about me. I ignore it, keeping my eyes through the window to Harry.

Cooper and Niall are in there too, I can see the top of their heads, but Louis' and Harry's mouths are moving too much for there to be even any room for them to talk. I don't know whats taking so long — we could've just done this at the House Away From Home.

Finally, I watch Harry turn away from the window and towards the door. Someone else appears — a tall, looming man. He has to be the boss, just the sight of him sends a shiver down my spine.

The warehouse goes silent as the five of them walk down the steps, heading towards me with Harry and the Boss in the lead. My heart skips a beat, but I try not to show it, keeping a small smile on my face.

I don't want to appear rude. Or scared. Or anxious. Ugh.

Instead of hearing the boys delightful voices or an introduction from the Boss, the blonde man speaks up with not one ounce of fear.

"She yours, Harry?"

I have to swallow my scoff as Harry rolls his eyes, "She's no ones, Marcus."

"Oh," Marcus steps towards me with a playful, mischievous smile, "so I guess you don't mind if I have a go at her then?"

I open my mouth to reply — to tell him Harry's not the one to ask and that he will be having no go with me anytime soon — but Cooper answers first. His voice is darker laced with authority, something I've never heard before from him.

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