chap 29

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The House

The sun shined brightly through my bedroom windows, casting a light upon my bed. The bed that held me, and Harry—Harry who actually stayed the night for once.

I felt a smile creep onto my face at just the sight of him, lying next to me. Our legs were intertwined and we were facing one another, so close that one movement from me could disturb him in an instant.

He looked so peaceful. He was so pretty.

His stern face was calm as he slept, like even his demeanor was taking a rest. I couldn't imagine what he looked like when he was in the room with Jacob, violently beating him.

It hurt me to think about because I still cared about Jacob. As much as I despised him now, and even though I lost any feeling of love I had for him, I still cared about him.

It was a feeling I didn't think would ever go away. So much of my life was with him, even if it was all bad when it was.

At one point, he felt like all that I had.

It created a bond between us. One I can never sever, as much as I want to. And hearing that he still loved me just proved to me that he never could either.

But, Harry...

Hearing how much he hates Jacob, because of what Jacob did to me, is somehow... endearing. In its own weird and twisted way.

Everyday I watch him change from that man I first met. I watch him morph into a new man for me—one who cares about me enough to hurt anyone who ever did me wrong.

I wonder who that girl he thought he might have loved was. Because, god, if this is what him liking me feels like, I can't wait to see what him loving me feels like.

I thought he had said he loved me when he first told me his feelings, but he said he was bad at these things and seemed to have just used the wrong word. I'm not mad because I haven't discerned what I feel just yet.

Plus, we're not dating. I don't know how to say I love you to him yet.

I can't help it. I move even closer to him, even though that's barely possible, and I kiss him.

It felt like we haven't kissed in a long time. The last time we truly kissed feels like a century ago, but every time I look at him I just want to kiss him until I can't breathe.

It's just never been the right time.

I feel him stir and I remove my lips from his, instead placing soft kisses all around his face. I feel his arms that are thrown over me tighten, holding me close as I do so. His lips start to turn upwards into a small, sleepy smile.

His eyes don't open yet and I finish my maze of kisses on his lips, where I began. This time, he leans into me, kissing me hard like it's giving him air to breathe.

I smile into it, forgetting everything around us in this moment. Forgetting the bad. Jacob being downstairs. Louis being gone. My brother being after me. Aversion.


He makes me forget.

He leans into the kiss so much that I start to lay on my back, his hand holding him up on one side as he leans on his elbow on the other.

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