chap 32

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Deimos Warehouse

Walking in, I got flashbacks to the first time I was here. Coming head-to-head with Marcus and Rosie. Meeting Elijah for the first time. Being dubbed "the Queen".

Or, arguably the best part, my time under the staircase with Harry.

It helped me realize I can't hate him. I could never hate Harry. Plus it helped me truly forgive him because he never meant those things. He was just projecting his insecurities in the wrong way.

This place makes me think of Louis, too. He's been apart of Deimos for a long, long time, and years ago, he would've never thought in a million years that I'd be here. That I'd be protected here.

Louis told me how he could promise safety to anyone he wanted if he just told Elijah their name and who they were. He wanted to do that for me, so badly, but for some reason, Elijah didn't let it go through.

Maybe because it would start too much with Aversion. Maybe because Elijah thought it just would be too much work for someone he didn't know. I don't know why he refused it at the time.

But now, he treats me like the Queen.

Almost like Harry can see how deep in thought I am, he takes my hand and squeezes it. He doesn't hold it though because of our location and the squeeze alone was enough to cause a stir.

"I thought you said she was no one's, Harry." A familiar voice speaks up.

I look to where it came from and my eyes meet Marcus', who has Rosie's arms wrapped around him. They both look exactly the same as they did then, like nothing interesting has happened to them since.

My eyes travel to a little ways away from them, where I see Finn. His eyes are on Harry and I too, but there's a sad expression inside of them. I frown.

Finn is a really nice guy. And he would be a really good friend, I just know it. It might be good for me to branch outside of Louis' small circle too.

I make a mental note to call him later.

"Fuck off, Marcus," Harry simply replies and places his hand on my back, leading me up the stairs.

I feel my heart begin to race. My hands begin to shake. I don't know what I might find out in this room. And I really, really hate this room.

What if something horrific happened to Louis? What if Louis is badly hurt, or... or even worse... dead? What then?

If it has any connection to Aversion, I'd feel at fault.

The only reason he's so tangled up in Aversion the way he is now is because of me. They all have newfound targets on their back that go farther than just the regular things they do. They're protecting me.

That's the worst thing you could possibly do, in my brothers eyes. He wants me to face the cruel world. He wants to put me through hell and back.

They're saving me and that, to him, is going against his goal.

Before we go inside, I take a second. I shut my eyes and I take a deep breath, counting to five. This is going to be fine.

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