chap 17

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An Adventure

Harry Styles was a person with many hidden layers. The man was very good at hiding the fact that there was anything beneath the cold demeanor he showed you, but everyone has trauma these days. Luckily, he didn't have to be one of those children who gets their trauma from their parents because he had loving ones.

His parents divorced when Harry was merely seven, but he liked them apart much better than together. He hadn't seen much happiness from the both of them when they were together, so even at his young age, he understood what was meant to be.

His sister took it much harder than he did. She'd spent more time with the both of them and she didn't like the idea of her parents separating. Gemma lost her idea of love in that moment and nothing could repair it.

Harry was not very close with his father, but he was close enough to find out about his past life. When he turned 15, his father first introduced him to Deimos. Harry thought the name was stupid, but the idea of it all intrigued him.

Getting his anger out through bad people? "Sick." He had responded and joined when he turned 16 — his father was proud while his mom was a tad bit angry.

She screamed at him for the first time, wondering why he couldn't just have a normal life. "A desk job isn't so bad, Harry, please just get a desk job. Oh god, my son.." he remembers the disappointment on her face like the back of his hand.

But eventually, she understood that it was Harry's choice. It was Harry's choice in the end and there was nothing she could but try to be as supportive as possible. They don't talk about it anymore.

Another thing they don't talk about? Gemma.

They both feel guilt in the pits of their stomach at the mention of her. Harry's never talked about her before to anyone really, besides for Annabelle. And he doesn't understand why he even did with her, but the way she supported him was exactly what he needed.

He needed the silence in the moment. The whole entire time his mind was telling him, no worries she's just a friend, you don't like her like that. Harry insisted she just reminded him of Gemma, when really the only thing they had in common was shared nightmares from past trauma.

Harry wished that he knew what the trauma Gemma had was, he wished that she could've been as open with him as Annabelle was now. But, she wasn't and now he'll never know.

He'll never know what drove his sister off the deep end and it'll always be something he has to live with.

Harry looked over at Annabelle as she drove, something she enjoyed doing for the feeling of control and felt no guilt for leaving the three boys with no car. This was a defining moment of friendship, he told himself.

She didn't notice his gaze as she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel, clicking her tongue inside her mouth. Harry didn't need to ask what was bothering her — he knew.

"Where am I driving to anyways?" Annabelle questioned, turning her head before quickly turning it back as she caught his gaze.

Her cheeks tinted pink.

He looked back onto the road, regaining his stern facial expression. Annabelle wondered if his resting face could even look different than that, she wondered if it was stuck like that forever.

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