chap 30

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The House

Harry follows behind me as we travel down the stairs, both of us with wet hair. We both showered after sex—separately, and I was surprised to see no guards outside of my room when I left.

Strange, but I didn't mind. It was better that way.

Harry was by my side the second I left my room and when I made a comment about the lack of guards, he smirked.

I narrowed my eyes at the action, but didn't think much more about it, until now—when we're both standing at the bottom of the steps in front of everyone, with all eyes on us.

I stood still for a moment, confusion unraveling onto my face, but Harry just let out a small laugh.

Cooper looked at us and did one loud, single clap, "Woohoo! Look at these sex machines!"

My face has never been redder before. Oh my god.

There's so many Deimos workers here. The guards that are usually outside my room. The guards at the door. Sophie. Niall. Cooper. People I don't even know.

And they all heard me screaming Harry's name. 

He said the walls were not thin! The walls were very thin!

Oh my god, I didn't even think about the guards outside. The guards are always outside! Unless you're having very loud sex!

I whip around and stuff my face into Harry's chest to try and calm the redness. He laughs, before rubbing his hand down my back and kissing the top of my head.

The room goes even more silent. It's a boyfriend action. It's endearing. Whereas they thought of us as just fuck buddies before—that was something different.

And that wasn't very Harry. 

Actions like that confuse me too. Because I don't know whether or not we're dating. I don't know what we really are and I'm far too scared that Harry will shut down instead of telling me.

Sophie narrows her eyes at us, "What is going on between you two?"

She asked the question.

I look at Harry's face, but it doesn't change. It's not as stern as usual, softened by the morning, but it yields no reaction to Sophie's question. I'm a little upset by it, but I hide it.

Harry shuffles us to the countertop where he nudges my leg against a chair to let me know to sit down. I oblige, sitting in a chair next to Niall where I immediately put my head down.

I regret my decision. I should not have screamed his name that loud. My cheeks are forever tinted red now.

Harry's voice went loud and deep, "Everybody else out." He didn't need more Deimos members seeing how he acted around me.

"Are you making breakfast?" Harry ignored Sophie's question, his face stern again as he didn't wait for an answer, "I'm using this pan now."

I felt Cooper's hands on my back as he rubbed up and down, "It's okay, teacup. Sometimes people are just a little too loud when they have sex." He laughed jokingly, "I'm not complaining though—you sounded great!"

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