chap 25

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Louis' (New) House

    Everything in the house was great, surprisingly. Harry and Louis agreed to not hate one another, and I told Louis that I'm not angry with him. I just don't trust him anymore.

Niall and Cooper are wonderful, as they always are.

Cooper taught me how to use a gun, where to shoot when I don't want to kill them but want to hurt them, and how to disarm someone.

Harry taught me how to physically fight, and although I'm not that great yet, he said I'll be best when I use the pressure points too.

And then Niall taught me how to use daggers and small blades. That's the lesson I was most excited for — considering I know that's Derek's weapon and it's always interested me too.

When I was little, Derek said I wasn't old enough to learn. I was too young back then. But, now I want to beat him at his own game. I want revenge. At the end of the day, that's all I want.

Maybe it'll make me feel better, or maybe it'll make me feel worse. Who knows.

Staring at myself in the mirror, it's so hard to recognize myself. I haven't worn an outfit like this in years, but I feel good. I look good.

Sophie makes sure to remind me, "You look hot."

I chuckle lightly, pulling my curls back into a low ponytail. I pull stray pieces out and turn around, looking at Sophie's outfit. She looks stunning, as always, wearing a hot pink minidress with her blonde hair up in a bun.

"So..." she continues talking before I can thank her for the compliment, "you and Harry..." oh god, "Louis told me some things."

Louis? That's even worse.

I narrow my eyes at her, "What are you getting to?" 

"Just wanted to know what you are..." she acts like she doesn't care, but I know she does. She wants to know everything.

I roll my eyes, heading towards the door as I can already hear the raving music and multiple voices downstairs. I want to get drunk, badly. Training has worn me out and my 23rd birthday is tomorrow.

"Nothing is going on between us. We're just..." I look for the right label, "...really good friends. Yeah, really good friends."

Sophie looks at me like she doesn't believe me, "Maybe you two haven't spoken about it, but everyone else calls you boyfriend, girlfriend. Or at least, friends with benefits."

My nose scrunches up immediately, "No! We're just friends. Just good friends, that's all." Or at least, I think that's all.

She's right. We haven't really spoken about it at all. Neither one of us has truly confessed feelings for the other, honestly. It was one kiss in the woods and one... well, you already know what.

"Whatever. At least that means I can make sure you have some special fun tonight," Sophie lifts up a blue, silk blindfold, "and it all starts with this. Cooper's orders."

I shake my head immediately. "Yeah, no way."

Sophie comes towards me still. "Shush. You have no choice. It's fine, trust me."

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