chap 27

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Louis' House

Niall's set up a therapist for me. We meet in two days.

I'm not sure how I feel about it. I hate talking about the things I've been through, that's a known fact. But, I just have to keep reminding myself that talking about it this time will help.

Plus, as Cooper keeps saying: "It's what we're paying them for."

Harry just tells me to do whatever is best for me, but I've seen his clear and transparent want for me to do it. To commit to getting professional help. I think it has to deal with his sister, but I'm too afraid to ask.

I don't want to push him any farther. He'll share as much as wants to with me — over time.

So now I'm just sitting and preparing for what to talk about. I haven't really opened up about everything all at once to anyone before. I'm sure we'll take it in slow steps, but still, I'm afraid of what it could do to me.

Another thing I'm afraid of is what happened to Louis.

This morning, Niall, Cooper, and Sophie all said the search for him was a bust. His own family hasn't seen or heard from him at all.

It's just insane to me. How does one just disappear? And how did he disappear right before something so terrible happened?

What did Jacob do to him? Jacob is the only clear cause I can see for his absence. But, then again, why hasn't he used his information about Louis as a way to get out of here?

None of this makes any sense to me, but lately Louis himself hasn't made sense to me.

Deimos is still searching for him and they still litter around this house like crazy. At least two of them are always outside of the door to the room where Jacob's being held and my bedroom.

They keep referring to me as the Queen and I have undecided feelings about it. I wish they'd just call me Annabelle.

Harry was out of my room when I woke up this morning and I'm not sure if he even stayed the night. All I know is that I fell asleep, peacefully, in his arms and I didn't have a single nightmare.

That feels like some sort of progress to me.

And now, I'm doing my best to feel a bit better as I've just showered and changed into a red hoodie and leggings. I didn't even bother putting my contacts in.

The first thing I did was call Finn before I went downstairs. We exchanged numbers last night, and it felt like I should be checking in on him since I feel guilty for him being hurt.

He tried to reassure me, before seeing that there was no use and simply thanking me. He says he'll be around the house soon.

Stepping outside of my room, everything Sophie's told me is true. There's two men outside who look straight me and actually fucking bow, while addressing: "Queen."

What the fuck is this life?

"Hi," I awkwardly respond and turn away, heading down the stairs.

When I'd gotten in the shower, Sophie said she'd be heading down there to check on how everything was going. Apparently the boys wanted to get a head start on talking to Jacob this morning.

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