chap 33

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The House

      Harry was fuming. We didn't really talk in the car, but that's also because I realized I'm angry too.

How can he be so big on respecting my choice, until it comes to something as important as this? I don't want to fight with him, or go against his wishes, but this is Louis.

He should understand this best. Louis is one of his best friends too. We've all lived together for months now. They were friends long before that. It was years ago that Louis mentioned the boys names to me.

This is the only way to save him. The boys would never make it inside if I wasn't there. Harry's smart enough to know how true that is. But, his pride won't allow him to let up.

He knows what's best, I know he does, but he hates that what's best puts me in harms way. All he's seen of my brother is his want to hurt me, his want to ruin my life. He doesn't believe that Derek will last a second without hurting me. 

He gets out of the car first and still comes to my side and opens my door for me, despite the tension. The action makes me smile, but then I remember the tension and correct myself.

Harry holds the garage door open for me, letting me walk into the house first. He's silent and barely looks at me when I pass him, not that I look at him very much either honestly.

I turn my head away from him with an angry breath of air. My eyes travel down the long hallway from the garage to the living room.The first thing I can see is Cooper with his phone out, taking a photo of the living room.

His smile is big, a loud laugh escaping it. But there's surprise laced into it, like he can't believe what he's seeing.

Sophie smacks his arm, "Stop. This is so cute, don't embarrass him."

"Oh, don't worry," Cooper laughs, "I'm just gonna make sure he never forgets this cause I know I never will."

I feel Harry take a sharp intake of air, then he stops in his tracks. His footsteps are no longer behind me and my eyes furrow, looking back at him.

I don't say a word, but the way he meets my eyes says enough. Whatever they're talking about, it's his doing and it's out of his comfort zone. For some reason, I'm nervous.

This could not even be about me. But, it was just my birthday. And we never really spoke about it — with everything that was going on, I barely even remembered what day it was.

I didn't expect him, or anyone, to do anything after the party. I was too worried about Louis and what to do with Jacob and just... everything. My thoughts were not on my birthday and I didn't expect anyone else's to be either.

Sophie looks our way, her face softening as I grow closer, "Oh, Anna. You're going to love this."

"What?" I questioned as I moved closer to her, entering the living room. My heart was racing.

I turned around and looked at Harry one more time and he finally met my eyes, in anticipation. He was searching for exactly what my reaction would be.

Cooper's face softened at the sight of me and he looked so happy, like this was the greatest view he could have ever seen. Harry didn't move from where he was, but I could feel his eyes on me still.

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