chap 37

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Louis' New House

      When we come down the stairs, Eli is standing with his back to us. He's peering around the home, taking it all in with no expression. The whole room is still—something his presence creates.

Even though fear is all I could feel around him before, now that I know who he is, I can't go back to that. I just see Eli. I see past this dark persona he's created. I think Eli's still in there, somewhere.

I love Harry, but I miss Eli's friendship. He's a connection to my past. The only connection that hasn't been ruined.

"Eli," I break the silence, earning a gulp from Sophie. She hides it immediately, embarrassed.

Eli spins around slowly, his eyes falling to Harry's hand on my back, placed there on purpose. "Anna. Are you ready?"

"Let's go over the plans again." Harry answers for me, leading me down the steps. He brushes right past Eli.

I don't do the same and stop right in front of him, meeting his eyes. I try to wonder how I didn't know it was him. All I can see now is him.

"Are you nervous?" I ask in a hushed tone, not knowing if he'd want anyone else to hear his answer. I don't know if he would tell me.

"No," he answers honestly, "are you?"

"Yes." I reply without hesitance.

"Don't be. You look nice." He smiles with his eyes, not daring to show it.


Harry's cough cuts me off, his eyes throwing daggers in Eli's direction. "I said let's go over the plan." He has no fear in talking to Eli however he wants.

I don't want him to feel isolated, or like I chose Eli, so I move towards him. I want to be near him anyhow, I'm beginning to feel the nervousness more and more.

I grab his hand and lean into his side, offering a comforting smile. He squeezes my hand in reply, signifying that we are good.

Eli doesn't move, his eyes on me. "Anna and I will go first. Derek gave her the address and once he knows who I am, he will have no problem that I'm with her. It'll only help his ego that we're both falling into his 'trap'."

"When do we come?" Cooper asks, "We don't even have the address."

"Edgar is going to take you all. Five minutes after. About."

Niall laughs, not in a good way. "Five minutes? Do you know how much can happen in five minutes?"

"Don't question me like I don't know what I'm doing." Eli snaps back. "There's no changing the plan."

"Will you have a weapon? Will Anna?" Harry asks, his tone cold. He hates this.

"I will. Anna won't. She doesn't need one." Eli's words put me slightly on edge.

I shift nervously next to Harry and he wraps his arms fully around me, keeping me in front of him. He squeezes me lightly in a reassuring manner. I feel calmer.

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