chap 23

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Deimos Headquarters

Harry and I walked behind Cooper and Niall in silence. Louis' steps were quick, so he was far ahead of us. No doubt in his own angry frenzy already with Elijah. I didn't know what to do.

I don't know what came over me inside that room. I don't know what came over me today. I made a man fall unconscious, and then I kissed a guy who I was trying to hate.

A guy it feels like I should hate, but I just can't.

Harry looks over at me, almost like he knows I'm thinking of him, and reaches out to fix my hair before we reached the staircase. He ran his hand through my hair when we kissed, so he's fixing his mess. The action is endearing, and unlike him.

"Elijah's gonna be able to tell either way," he finishes with my hair and heads towards the stairs ahead of me.

I follow quickly, "What do you mean?"

"You're glowing," he responds with a smirk and walks up them quickly.

He looks down at the staircase, ruffling his hair with that same smirk. That asshole. He knows they'll know. He knows we'll have to talk about it. We'll have to talk about us, with them.

Already, I know people can tell. The looks they're giving us, the pure shock at seeing Harry with someone. I hate it. I want them all to stop.

Especially Marcus, who scoffs and shakes his head with revenge in his eyes. Rosie holds onto his arm as they lean against the wall, staring Harry and I down. I don't want to see Louis' reaction, but I can't say no to the Boss.

And I'm sure that's who Elijah is.

This is fine, Annabelle. You've just fucked up your whole life.

Shut up, mind.

How can everyone tell I've kissed someone this quickly? Am I really glowing this much over a make out session? Is it because the last time I had one that good was.. well... never...?

Harry looks behind his shoulder for a mere second to make sure I'm following and I can see that glow he's talking about as we climb the stairs. I'm sure mine is worse, but I can see his when I'm looking for it.

I'm not the only one who hasn't kissed someone like that in awhile.

Plus, his glow doesn't matter when his hair is a mess like that. You can see where my fingers entered the curls from the sides of his face. Is it always this obvious?

Louis is gonna kill him, and he knows it. He'll blame Harry first, but nothing serious will happen. To Harry, at least.

Louis is a murderer, but he's not a hands-on murderer. He's the one who hijacks your plane ride home or sends a bomb to your house in the middle of the night, but he doesn't fight you. He's tech, but dangerous nonetheless.

I don't know why he's so angry at the idea of Harry and I, even just us kissing. I know he knows how we both feel, Louis knows the both of us too well to not know. But, then again, that means he also knows Harry's dark side and how much I can't handle another dark side.

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