chap 18

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An Adventure

   Harry and I played a game of volleyball on the deserted old sand field they had here until the sun went down. We both were absolute shit and fell a number of times, getting sand stuck to our clothes from the droplets of water. But we didn't care because we were happy.

Multiple times Harry had cursed me out, telling me my arm was fake and that I wasn't actually this good at hitting a damn ball over a net. Needless to say, he was a sore loser in the end.

And neither of us had mentioned the kiss either. We didn't talk about how right it seemed to feel or about what it meant. I didn't even know if Harry was thinking about it at all, he was off and on with these sort of things.

Today I got to see a Harry I never really got to, one that he seemed to only show to me, which in the end was nice. When I got to see it, that was.

But I've seen the other side too. I've seen his anger and his dismissal of anything and everything. He's hidden things from me and he's always going to hide things from me. He'll never truly open up to anyone, as much as I want to believe he will.

"Have the boys texted you? I left my phone in the car." I questioned, looking over at him as we sat on the swing set.

He shrugged, "So did I."

"Are they going to be mad at us?" I questioned again, earning a deep glare.

"All the fucking questions, darling." Harry shook his head as I kept my gaze on him, taking every moment in because I knew it wouldn't last.

He was already turning into his off mood — slowly but surely.

"Sorry. I forget." I apologized and looked away from him, back out onto the forest we had come from. I didn't want to leave.

Out of nowhere, I could hear him muttering to himself under his breath. The words were incoherent to my ears but I could tell that he was arguing with himself — something I've noticed him do fairly often.

"I won't fall in love with you. I don't fall in love with anyone. You're not going to change that." He insisted, but more for himself than for me.

I smirked, "That kiss really showed me that. Or maybe the night you stayed in my room till I fell asleep? Or maybe the night you gave me your sweatshirt so I wasn't cold?"

He interrupted before I could continue, "Fuck off."

I laughed softly, feeling his eyes burn into the side of my face. "Plus, who even brought up love? You kissed me once and you're definitely not the first."

Harry smiled slightly at my words, keeping his eyes on me and for the first time I wanted to hide away from them. I don't believe anything serious has changed over one kiss, but I do believe a new door inside my mind has been opened. A door that leads to the possibility of a relationship with Harry.

I know it's not possible and that it's absolutely insane, but the door still remains ajar.

"And who was your first? I'd like to know."

I chuckled, "Why? You want to fight him?"

"Oh yeah," he sarcastically responded with his eyes still on me as I stared at the trees, god Harry please look away. "I have to fight for your honor, after all."

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