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Rosy Garcia. Assistant and toxin specialist. Why? Simple: "E.H.."

The world collapsed after natural disasters, wars, diseases, and shortages. Plus, an equally terrible punishment: those evolved humans. Wild, ruthless, strong, and better adapted to nature. Their eyes stood out, with varied and vivid colors, cat-like pupils, and the ability to see more colors than us. We attacked each other relentlessly until it was decided to protect the cities better and keep them out.

They were also human beings, so some protective societies rose in favor of their respect and protection. The years passed like this, but no attempts to study them. The government, however, would continue to seek how to reduce them in number, keep them at bay, and if possible, if they wanted it, disappear them from the earth.

Rosy was scared and fascinated by them. She had narrowly escaped being killed when the lab where she worked was attacked. They were just as smart as us, and somehow, they penetrated the walls of cities. According to recent studies, it was also understood that they were civilized, as they were kept in colonies with their own rules and lives.

The disputes had subsided. Little by little, she got to know them more, getting used to seeing them. 

Rosy was interested in other aspects of her life. A co-worker had rejected her, which had her on edge. 

Her father was from New Spain, and her mother was African American, so it had already been tricky for her to get where she was. She wouldn't risk it getting distracted by men.

Her spirits seldom flanked. Despite being twenty-two years old, she was known to be the most smiling. He had told her that she was beautiful, but she didn't seem like one of the women with whom he could have something serious. To her regret, he considered her childish, and she couldn't refute that.

Resigned to living the rest of her days in the investigation, without a man to comfort her, without having meat to grab, she was studying some tissue from a corpse. John, her past suitor, ran down the hall again, drawing her attention. Had something happened? She took a short time putting things and samples away before going to see.

Upon arriving at the emergency area, she found her friends Marien, Marcus, and Max. This last one was from National Security, an organization designed to control E.H. John was taking care of three men. After asking what was wrong, she couldn't help but notice the three new ones.

They were evolved men. They had indeed been covertly entered and required medical attention. Rosy had some fear initially, but the others infected her with their feeling of security and, of course, her curiosity about those beings that always seemed dangerous and majestic as predators.

The newcomers were two who looked like siblings with feline blue eyes and dark hair, but her gaze focused on the third one. 'Wow, but he's cute,' she thought, a little out of place. Fairly dark blond hair, barely grown beard perhaps a couple of days old, honey-colored eyes, intense and beautiful, but incredibly sad.

He looked strong and weakened at the same time because of the mistreatment he must have suffered. She knew that the government captured some for study. Still, she didn't know to what extent, if it was even supposed that it was forbidden to touch them, those of the protection societies and the police might not have known everything. 

The girl noticed that the E.H. had some blood stains as well. She wanted to get closer and heal him, but not with a pitiful face. Rosy didn't want him to think she felt sorry for him even though she did a little. She understood that beings like him, arrogant and full of wild pride, detested human compassion.

Rosy took a deep breath, smiled, and went to him, who had already planted his intense cat eyes in hers. In that second, she wished she could know his story and be part of what was coming. She felt that he was like a lion that had been caged most of his life, that he had a whole world of things inside, waiting to shout them out.

 She felt that he was like a lion that had been caged most of his life, that he had a whole world of things inside, waiting to shout them out

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