Chapter 11: Seduction

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I missed my golden cat, who had left with his kind. I missed my friend who had gone looking for Sirius. I missed everyone. My days were reduced to being in the laboratory and the afternoons to nothing. I still remembered the last day I saw him. I told Marien I had slept in his room, but I didn't tell her more.

Anyway, I was shocked after seeing that statuesque body. Holy mother of God! I bit my lip, and my cheeks got hot just remembering. I was dying to see it, and there it was, golden as a sunset and indeed just as warm. I was dying to touch every muscle. The number eighty-eight was on the left side of his lower belly. Just above one of the lines forming the "v" mark on his hips which pointed and led straight to holy glory! I wanted to feel him like that, naked and hot on top of me, drowning me with his weight, gasping and enjoying.

I had become a lecher because of him!

I bet he didn't even remotely imagine all that. The problem was that Marien had told me they didn't know anything about reproduction and stuff. So, I didn't know if he felt desire or even affection for me. I also didn't know how he would take the fact that I...

"Are you still considering my proposal?" John cut me off.

I sighed heavily.

"No. I think I have been clear."

"Well, you tried to have something with that evolved guy, according to Marcos, but nothing happened, so..."

I rushed out to the analysis lab, leaving him speechless. Marcos was looking through a microscope, it was almost night, and we no longer had to work, but he was a psycho. I grabbed him by the shoulders and flipped him over.


"How dare you tell everyone I tried to flirt with an EH?!"

"Bah, everyone noticed, and also that night you came here late..."

"It was none of your business!" I crossed my arms, walking away.

"Everything's fine?"

"No." I was furious and embarrassed. I just wanted to inflate my cheeks.

"You miss him... I hope Marien is doing well. She didn't tell us she was leaving. It's the last straw."

"Now John has to make fun of me because I'm going to stay a spinster."

"Are you listening to me?"

"I'm sure Marien will do well. I'm upset with you for being a gossip."

"You're not going to be a spinster, and lastly, what if you were? The world is almost over anyway."

I took a sponge I didn't know where it came from and threw it at him.

"You're a negative! You won't be so happy when you're the one left single. That's why Marien didn't love you."

"Oh, thank you, thank you," he said sarcastically. "You're such a good friend... Look, go out with John since you want to be with someone so much. Maybe the guy, for now, just wants a fleeting encounter, but not forever. His biological clock will also bother him one day, don't you think?"

"Do you think I'm so desperate?"

"I don't think so, but I see it." I threw another sponge at him. "Hey, okay, can you at least do me a favor and go over there and have Max's brother call him and ask how Marien is?"

I sighed and went to the training ground, which was now in charge of George, Max's brother, because he left accompanying Marien, luckily."

I saw Tania walk from one side to the other. That damn girl had taken advantage of Acrux's innocence and dared to flirt with him, and who knows what else.

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