Chapter 2: A lost man

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Pain, raw pain.

I felt something like a tube put through my mouth that reached my throat and maybe more. I complained a bit, everything looked unreal, but I knew it wasn't.

"The anesthesia isn't working," I heard whispering around me. "We should try to put more on him so he doesn't feel the cuts."

Cuts? What the hell were they going to do to me? Were they going to split me up like an animal?!

An insistent sound like a pacemaker accelerated its rhythm, as did my heart, and my breathing became agitated. I wanted to shake off all those things that had been put on me, but my body didn't react.

Something like terror invaded me, and I wanted to scream. I managed to see them with strange knives at my sides, and I couldn't flee. I was at their mercy.

"More doses of anesthesia coming in."

Don't! No, no, no no, no...


I woke up sore in a dark cell. In seconds, the pain spread, and I couldn't help complaining. I barely moved my arm and felt my temple, which was where it hurt the most. I groaned because of a rare burning on the side of my lower belly and my left shoulder.

Damn humans, what had they done to me? Where was my family? I felt like years had passed.

In that instant, I remembered my brother, who was now dead. My heart broke again, and the crying broke out without permission. I covered my mouth and swallowed hard to calm myself down. I was not strong like others. I was afraid of many things. I couldn't stand it. My brother, the only thing he did was try to fight them to protect our people and me. I sobbed and covered my face, then let out a scream of rage.

That attracted some men. "He woke up."

I growled.

Did those damn ones not understand that I should go out and go with my mother? I growled angrier, showing my fangs to make them step back, but they didn't.

"Look at him. They're so wild," said another.

I threw myself at them, and they received me with an electric shock that knocked me to the ground like the last time. However, I growled again, which angered them, and they electrocuted me again. I screamed, but they didn't stop until everything went dark again.



I saw her smile, sitting at the dining room table.

"Acrux, how are you and your brother?"

"Mom... he..." My voice was a sad whisper.

"Easy, everything will be fine. You just have to get out of there."

She stood up, preparing to leave the house, and that made me desperate. I wanted to hug her and ask her forgiveness. I begged her to wait and went in a hurry despite the pain.

"Mother! Please wait!" But it was as if she had gone deaf. "Mom!" I hit a cold wall and found myself in the dark cell. "I want to go out!" I yelled as I hit the wall.

"They're like animals. Look, he's already gone crazy just for a month of being locked up."

I turned to growl at them.

"Where is my family?! What did you do to them!"

They laughed.

"Ready for more tests," someone was told over a radio.

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