Chapter 12: My savior

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After walking around for a bit, we went to eat something. We sat together at a small round table on the patio outside, overlooking a beautiful creek with a small waterfall. Acrux asked for something that contained meat under the doubtful gaze of the waiter. I laughed silently and looked at the menu for something that had what he wanted and something for myself.

"How I wish I didn't wear these things," he complained after the man left, referring to the sunglasses.

"For now, it has to be that way, even though it's weird. But you look good."

"Thank you..." He got distracted watching the fish swimming. In fact, he looked at them very, very fixedly, like a cat.

"Just don't jump into the water, okay?"

He let out his nice soft laugh.

"Don't worry."

"Tell me more about yourself," I asked.

"No. I think it's your turn now..." He gave me a light and quick touch on the forehead. "Curly girl, remember you were going to tell me what are the other ways I can waste my energy."

I blushed. I couldn't tell him here; what the hell was I thinking? I leaned my arms on the table, and he did it, too, moving closer to me. I felt his whole arm against mine. I liked it and shuddered. The contact of his skin burned.

"Uh... One is to play sports. Do you work out?"

"That would be what I do in boot camp."

"Oh, sure..."

"It was something else. You said it." He seemed amused by my obvious crossroads.

"I'd rather tell you later, okay? When we're in bed."

"We?" He flashed a mischievous smile, surely unintentionally. "Will we sleep together again?" He moved closer.

"Yes. Do you want?" I was very nervous.

"Of course." He brushed his nose lightly across my temple, and my heart raced. "Your smell relaxes me. I don't know why," he whispered. Then, he pulled away with concern. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yes. Why? "I was completely red.

"Your heart beats very fast."

"You do it to me," I murmured shyly.


How to tell him that I liked him, that he was driving me crazy, that being my boyfriend was more than he thought? What if he didn't reciprocate my feelings if I told him? That would depress me.

"It's not that you bother me. On the contrary, you've made me happy, that's why."

He was relieved.

"Then it's a good thing."

The food arrived, and I sighed.


We returned, walking through a park. Acrux had to resist the urge to chase a squirrel, for me, because I was clinging to his arm again, nuzzling him with my cheek.

When we got to the training ground, we saw a truck, and I recognized it; Max had returned; he was talking to his brother. I ran to him, but I was worried when I saw he hadn't returned with Marien.

"Easy," he said, reading my expression. "They needed another little honeymoon." He winked and walked over to answer the others' questions.

I smiled happily, knowing that my friend and Sirius were fine.

Acrux approached him, and he immediately ushered him along with other guys from his and Tania's group into his office. I was left alone, and I tightened my lips. They had to do their stuff. At least I was calmer now.

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