Chapter 9: Remembering

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Rosy kissed me. No, two perhaps, one was just a touch. No matter what, she had given them to me. We had a quiet night, and she was pretty close to me. It was very different from when it happened with Tania. This time I didn't feel extremely uncomfortable. I just had to put aside the feeling of strange electricity that flooded me when I was with her. Her scent pleased me. That could be making a difference.

It made her angry to know that Tania had been close too, I didn't quite understand why, but it made me laugh. On the other hand, I felt discomfort because just at that moment, I thought that I would have wanted Rosy to be the one to touch me and give me kisses that day, and not Tania.

I sighed.

I was lying on my bed, not knowing why I had sighed, or why I had been thinking about Rosy for more than an hour, about that fleeting kiss she gave me. My stomach upset a little, and it did it more when I was with her...

Maybe I had a disease, and I had never been treated. I had been locked up, so it made sense. The strange thing was that this illness didn't seem to affect me physically. In that case, then they were just reflections of my bad memories.

I distracted myself looking at the ceiling and seeing the beams' shape, painted white and hardly noticeable. From one second to another, that view became familiar to me. At some point, I was lying looking at beams on a ceiling, and I didn't know where.

I remembered that I had papers to review, so I stood up, realizing how easy it was to forget my problems if I thought about the curly girl. I went to get the documents out of the little bag where I hid them.

I flipped through page after page, searching if there wasn't something about me until I found one. I was there. No doubt I had been in that building during my confinement. They mentioned the multiple tests they did to me: X-rays, visual exam, smell test, hearing test, strength, bone resistance...

My skin prickled when I read that they broke me a bone to find out how much weight it could withstand. The stab of pain ran through my entire body after the memory of some scream of mine. I shook my head and took a deep breath. My vision had gone blurry. After a few seconds, I returned to normal, and I resumed reading, but the last line left me cold.

"The subject escaped."


Something in my mind confirmed it. Something inside me told me that I had escaped. So how did I get back into lockdown? I lay down on the bed again and looked up at the ceiling with that strange feeling. The beams... My eyes widened as I remembered.

The beams!

These took another form in my head. They were made of exposed steel. The place was dark, with some groans in the distance. It was my dark cell. I had been thrown here. My body throbbed with pain. My gaze was lost in the beams.

The green-eyed girl's scream made me jump.

I was on the cold floor, looking up at the ceiling beams. Terror and anguish devoured me. The memory of her scream had made me react. I had to get out of there and prevent them from doing or continuing to do experiments on her. Thinking about that anguished me much more. I desperately looked for a way out and seeing the beams gave me the answer.

How did I not see it before?

I stood up quickly. I looked at the bunk where I slept, and it was perfect that it was in the corner where there was almost no light, which in itself was scarce in that stinking place. I arranged my so-called pillow and covered it with the sheet. As the light did not reach well, it would be difficult for them to notice that I was not there.

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