Chapter 22: Going on a trip

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I woke up in my bed, soon noticing that it was empty. The loneliness in my chest devoured me. I kept looking at my hand on the sheet and moved my fingers over the fabric. I hugged my pillow, sheltered my face there, and allowed myself to let go in silent tears.

I was so ridiculous and pathetic there, crying alone, senseless. I swallowed hard to undo the lump in my throat and stop looking like a little girl. Marien once told me she was a crybaby. Well, I was the queen. I wiped my face and stood up.

I entered the living room and jumped in surprise when I saw Acrux asleep on the couch. I smiled sadly. He could have stayed in my bed, stubborn.

I would never forget when I woke up next to him. I really enjoyed his masculine figure in the soft light of the morning. Obviously, I wouldn't forget that day also because of the other detail I saw him half-naked... I would have also wanted to wake up like that sometime...

I wondered if I could kiss him. I approached him very, very slowly and silently brought my face to his. His breathing caressed my lips.

His eyes opened and widened at finding me so close. I moved away immediately and took my hands to silence my laughter of shame. I was already flushed too. He knitted his eyebrows strangely and was about to say something, but I didn't let him.

"You should have stayed in my bed instead of sleeping here uncomfortably."

"It's because..."

"Do you want to eat something?"

"No, thanks. I'd rather go back to..."

"No," I blurted out unintentionally. "Uh. Please wait for me. I'll be fast. I want to accompany you."

I ran and locked myself in my room to get ready.

I hurried out, and while I combed my hateful wet curls and served Yellow some seeds, Acrux muttered something, but I didn't pay attention. I ran back to the small kitchen, and on the way out, I ran into him, who was entering.


I looked at him nervously. I moved away to go around him and go on, but I tripped over the leg of the sofa, and he yanked my arm before I fell. Again, I was against his body. I laughed out of nervousness and embarrassment.


"Oh, nothing, it's just that... Doesn't our closeness feel familiar too?"

Apparently, he realized he was still holding my arms, and his grip loosened.

"No." And I was saddened. He released me, trying not to make it so obvious, but nothing took away the sensation of his warmth leaving me. "In fact, I don't do this. I shouldn't..."

"Do what?"

"Well..." His captivating feline eyes studied my face a little more. My cheeks warmed. "This. Being very close to a... pretty and sweet young lady."

My heart almost burst.

"Do I seem pretty and sweet to you?"

He seemed to suffer an internal debate, and a slight and tender blush came to his face. I wanted to take him or throw myself on top and kiss him until night.

"Every lady is pretty." He recovered his seriousness. "Now, it's time to go."

He walked away.


I didn't like how quiet he was as I drove to Max's fort. He seemed calm, looking out the window with disinterest, but I felt tension. I turned the radio on to low volume, and it played some rock. I wanted to change the station, but...

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