16. Bullet Wounds and Overprotective "Enemies"

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A/N: Answering one of the questions last post, I was reminded that I wanted to clarify something. This is NOT NOT NOT a starker fic, and it NEVER will be. I just wanted to clarify that because I am completely against starker. I am an irondad/spiderson kind of person. Anywho, on to the story!

UPDATE: I was asked to add a warning in here for you all regarding this chapter (or at least, I think I was??? I can't find the comment anywhere, but I'll put it in here for you all anyways). If you ever feel like there is something that deserves a warning or a trigger warning in this story, let me know and I'll put one at the top of the chapter for you all. So...

WARNING: Spidey gets shot and needs to dig a bullet out. To highlight the pain it's causing him, I often bring up the wound and the pain coming from it. Then there is the scene where he digs it out. Not super graphic, but not glossed over either. Just warning you all so you aren't caught by surprise.

Tony's POV:

By the time we have a working kitchen again, I have finished the upgrade to my suit. But before I can start on a new project, FRIDAY interrupts, "Boss."

"Yes FRI?"

"Spider-Man has been spotted. He is currently at the scene of a bombing, helping people get out safely."

My heart fills with guilt, sadness, and disgust after hearing that last sentence.

"Stupid Fury, making us do this. Spider-Man's a good guy," I mutter under my breath.

"Hey FRI?"

"Yes Boss?"

"Please gather everyone in the living area."

After getting her affirmative answer, I start to head there myself. When I step out of the elevator, I look around to see that I'm the last one to show up.

"What's going on Tony," Steve says, crossing his arms.

"Spider-Man has been spotted in Queens." With that sentence, everyone freezes and the room grows quiet.

"So what should we do?" Sam asks.

"I say we just get it over with," I answer, "Let's all go so that we can get him the first time and be done with it."

"What's he doing now?" Natasha asks.

FRIDAY speaks up, jumping at another opportunity to subtly voice her opinion on Spider-Man, "Spider-Man is saving people from a bombing."

Wanda huffs through her nose in anger, "I know we have our hands tied, but can't we just... I don't know, untie them and leave him alone?"

"No," Clint states, "If we do that then Fury will send SHIELD agents after him, and you can bet they won't be as nice. They won't care about his safety. They'll just want to get the job done."

"Wait, hasn't Fury already sent SHIELD agents to get him and failed?" Vision clarifies.

"He sent one team of agents at a time, but he's fed up with this. If we don't do this soon, he'll start doing whatever he can to capture Spider-Man and learn his identity and everything that he can do," I respond.

"So what's the battle plan?" Steve asks.

"Less of a battle and more of an ambush," I hear Clint mutter under his breath.

"Let's all go and get him, harming him as little as possible. When we have him, we can talk and come to some kind of compromise."

Steve stands up and starts heading to his room, "Okay then, let's suit up and get this show on the road."

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